2. Preparations

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By Saturday morning I'd bought a nurse's uniform, fishnet stockings, big white frilly knickers, a bra and some plastic breasts from a joke shop. I now had plenty of time to slob out and play computer games. I didn't need to get ready until about seven o'clock. At one o'clock, the doorbell rang. When I answered the door, Pam, Chris and a large suitcase invited themselves in.

"Hi girls, come in," I don't know why I said that, as they were already in, "what's in the suitcase?"

"Oh just some clothes, shoes and makeup," they said.

"How many of you are coming and why so early?"

"It's just the three of us, and trust me, we need to start getting ready, we've got a lot of work to do," said Pam.

"Can you take the case up to the bedroom and show us where the bathroom is," said Chris. It wasn't a question, but a command.

I heaved the suitcase onto the bed, 'bloody hell what had they got in there' and showed them where the bathroom was.

"Go downstairs and make us all a coffee," Chris said.

I did as I was told, the two of them were on a mission and I wasn't going to argue. Pam was feminine as usual, but I'd never seen Chris look so attractive. She was wearing skin-tight jeans, which highlighted her shapely legs and bottom. A beautifully cut white blouse and some small low heeled boots. I'd never seen her with makeup on before and her hair had always been tied back with scrunchies or something. All in all, she was a lot more attractive and feminine than I'd imagined. When I got back upstairs with the coffees, Pam was hanging dresses around the bedroom and Chris was arranging makeup etc on the dressing table.

"OK Paula, we've drawn a bath for you, off you go," said Pam.


"Oh dear, you're going to have act and sound like a woman from now. So start practising!" said Pam.

"You didn't think we were going to call you Paul, on a girls night out, did you? By the time we've finished, nobody will know that you aren't one hundred per cent woman. Now GO," said Chris.

I undressed in the bathroom and slid into the hot, just as I liked it, slightly floral-scented bubble bath. I was relaxing in the water, when Chris walked in, took my clothes and left a flesh coloured thing and some delicate lilac panties for me.

As she left, she said, "No time to lol about, we both want a bath as well. When you are out and dry, put this and the panties on and make sure you tuck your tackle back, we don't want to see it! Then give us a call so we can shave you."

Shave me? I assumed they were going to shave my moustache off. I know I was about the same size and build as Pam and Chris, but could they make me look like a woman? More to the point did I want them to? I was enjoying the scented bubble bath and decided to play along for a while, I could always stop if it went too far. I dried off, reluctantly shaved my moustache and put on the flesh coloured thing, then the lilac panties. The panties were very flimsy, but the thing would keep me tucked up. It was only much later that I learnt that the thing was a gaff, or even what a gaff was for.

I made my way back to the bedroom. The girls were both sat at the dressing table in bra and panties, taking their makeup off.

"Oh sorry, I'll come back when you're decent."

"Remember your voice, your a woman!" said Chris.

"We told you to call us when you were ready!" said Pam. "And as we're all women together, it doesn't matter what you see us wearing, or not wearing."

They wrapped a towel around my hair and ushered me back to the bathroom, where they shaved my face, arms, underarms, legs and bikini line. There was some discussion about removing my panties just to check if there was any hair around my bottom that needed shaving. Thank goodness they decided that my hair was sparse enough, that it was doubtful there would be enough hair to bother about.

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