19. Hormones, Boyfriend

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The Ladies Lounge was not the only thing occupying my time. My personal life was rapidly changing. I'd been continuing to see Dr Raj and had various doctors probing and questioning me. I'd had psychological tests and physical checkups, all to be sure I was a suitable subject for future GRS. Penny and Robert supported me, and one or other of them would accompany me on my visits to the doctors or specialists.

It was the week that I'd just started taking the hormones that the Ladies Lounge was due to open on that Saturday. I held a pre-opening party for all my friends, well they were mostly the ones from my time at the shipping company. It was good to catch up as all our lives were moving on. I was expecting Penny and Robert to get married soon, Yvonne was six months pregnant and expecting her first. Pamela and Christine were now a married couple. Little Carol was also pregnant, from one of her one night stands, she was going to be a single mum, but was very happy, "oh, he was a good shag," she said. Being pregnant wasn't going to hold her back or spoil her sexual appetite. Naomi, the girl who reminded me about the management not liking women wearing jeans or trousers, had sent a message via FaceTime from Australia, where she now lived with her new boyfriend.

They had a surprise for me. Roberta, Davina and Leanne, the three missing 'girls' who had volunteered to go to that hen night turned up, and they looked fabulous. Their partners had done a great job transforming them, so much so I wondered if I should employ them.

I gave each one of them a kiss to thank them for doing this for me. Leanne kissed back on the lips! It wasn't just a polite peck. I stepped away, confused, turned and fled to the toilet.

"Pauline I ..."

"No, let me talk to her," I heard.

Penny and Robert came in after me.

"He's in love with you," they both said.

"How can he be? He knows who I am."

"Yes, he knows who you are now," said Penny.

"You have to let go of the past. It's the future you should be thinking about," said Robert.

They spent time talking to me and calming me.

"But I said I wouldn't date anybody I'd worked with, and it's too soon," I whispered the last part, but they heard.

We all went back to enjoy the party. At some point that evening talking to Liam, I said, "thanks for coming as Leanne, that was the best thing you could have done. - Leanne? - Is it me Liam is waiting for?"

The look was all the answer I needed.

In bed, that night, I was trying to work out what I meant by 'it's too soon'. Was it too soon for a boyfriend, too soon to date Liam, or just because my body wasn't right? Could it be a mixture of everything?

Three months later, the hormones had started to kick in. My breasts and nipples were beginning to grow, not much, but enough so that wearing my forms was uncomfortable. I loved them, and the nipples were so sensitive, they gave me a little shock when I touched them. I had to go and buy a training bra, embarrassing for a woman of my age.

For the Ladies Lounge, I bought new breast enhancers. If I was going out with friends, I wanted to show off my new breasts. Tonight was going to be the first opportunity. I was going to see Yvonne and her new baby.

"How long were you in labour?"
"What did she weigh?"

We girls wanted to know all the details, from when contractions started to when she brought the baby home, and everything between while we cooed over the little girl. We all got to hold and cuddle the baby, and when I held her in my arms, I was overwhelmed with love, I wanted to protect her, never let her go. The child wriggled her little mouth opening and closing, turning her face to find a nipple, I, confused and reluctant handed her back to Yvonne.

It all started with a Hen NightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon