15 Kelly

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I tried to contact Kelly. Phone and text messages came back number unknown, an email came back failed to send. I wrote to her. A couple of weeks past before I received a reply. It was the worst letter anybody should receive.

Paul or whatever you're calling yourself now,

I'm only agreeing to this because I want to see the look on your face when I tell you what it was really about. You will come alone to.....

She named a date, time and place, didn't even bother to sign her name.

Stunned, I showed Penny the letter.

"Bitch!" was all she said, as she hugged me.

On the day Penny and I arrived early, she sat in the far corner while I sat near the door. Kelly wasn't there at the agreed time, she was never late for anything. Was I being stood up? Ten minutes later she and another woman stopped outside and looked in, they had a brief conversation and a kiss, before the other woman walked off. Was that for my benefit?

She came in, looked down at me, then around the café and back to me.

"Well, look at you," she sneered.

"Would you like coffee and something to eat?" I asked meekly.

"No! I've just come to say my piece."

She sat down.

"Sex with men always disgusted me, but I desperately wanted a baby. I would have used any man who dressed up to go to that hen party. You were always the most likely to do it. Dressing you, I could at least pretend I was out with a woman. What I didn't realise was how quickly you would become so feminine. I worried that you wanted to become female before I got pregnant. Even though I hated it I had to keep your last bit of maleness. Once you'd got me pregnant, you would have been out of my life. Just so you know, that woman outside. I'd already been seeing her for a couple of months before you left. Shortly after you left, I found out that you had given me what I wanted, so I was glad to be shot of you. I moved in with her, sold my place changed my email and phone number. I didn't want any contact with you. If I ever see you in the street I will ignore you, and you will never see the baby, is that clear! You also cost me my job, I was driven out by the remarks round the office. I was shunned. They all supported you and the woman you'd become."

With that, she placed a ticket on the table. As she got up and left, she said, "if you want your stuff back, that's where it is."

I was crushed, the hatred and coldness never had I felt so humiliated.

Barely aware that Penny had come to sit and was holding my hand, I looked up, then looked at our hands, "can we go," I mumbled.

It all started with a Hen NightWhere stories live. Discover now