3. Their Plan Revealed

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As we were all doing a final check in the mirror, the doorbell rang. Answering, I found a liveried chauffeur waiting to escort us to a stretch limo.

Getting into the limo, we were each greeted with kisses, from Kelly and Little Carol, and a glass of prosecco. I was complimented on my looks.

"Where's Roberta?" asked Pam.

"Oh she cried off when she saw what we had in the suitcase," said Kelly

"What was he intending to go as?" I asked.

"She'd borrowed her sister's school uniform. Ridiculous, she's six foot. There would have been a danger of showing her particulars!" exclaimed Little Carol.

Kelly leaned over and whispered in my ear, "you look good enough to eat," and gave my knee a little squeeze.


Did I hear right, was I reading too much into this? She was the only girl in work I would have liked to take out and although we shared a certain amount of banter, I honestly didn't know that much about her. She just smiled sweetly at me, as we made our way to the next pickup. My heart was racing, I had butterflies in my stomach, was it nerves, excitement or dare I say hope?

The next pickup was David's house. Only Fiona and Orla came out saying Davina was too shy to come out with us. She'd got as far as putting on the panties, but when Fiona and Orla tried to shave her, she refused and couldn't be persuaded.

We all greeted and kissed. More prosecco was drunk and once again I was complimented on my looks.

The stretch limo had been hired for us 'new' girls and our helpers. We were going out and meet the others at an Italian restaurant first. Once there I was admired and complimented, yet again. More prosecco was drunk, the waiters fussed, we ordered our meal. I commented on how much money the girls must have spent on clothes for the 'new' girls. I learned that the shoes and handbags already belonged to the girls, they just pooled them together, then picked ones that would go with the dresses they bought. The clothes they bought, they would have chosen for themselves anyway. As an example, Pam and Yvonne took the same bra and pantie size, so the breasts they bought for me and Roberta, matched their size. Yvonne and Roberta were both about six foot, so the dress for Roberta would fit Yvonne. I was about the same height as Pam, so Pam had picked a dress she could wear after. Yvonne and Pam could share the bra and panties that were bought for me and Roberta. Davina was bought large breasts to matched with Little Carol. Although Little Carol and Davina were around my height, they were both solidly built and needed a plus size.

The girls had drawn lots as to who would dress each 'new' girl. Chris and Little Carol drew me, but Little Carol swapped with Pam, as everybody knew that Chris and Pam were an item. They'd all agreed on the same routine. All arriving at the same time, suitcase to the bedroom, 'new' girl to make a drink, then bubble bath, shave, see one of them undress and get in the bath, being caught in what was meant to look like a compromising situation while breasts being attached, etc. etc..

Before leaving the restaurant, we all visited the ladies and they refreshed my makeup for me.

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