why wouldn't i be

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minho turned around to head towards the door. he immediately felt ten times more nervous than before.

he quickly made his way to the door, which was completely pointless considering he froze right before he was about to open it.

he looked over to hyunjin with scared eyes, only for him to nod and say open it.

minho shook as he turned the door knob and slowly opened the door.

his whole body felt fuzzy as he saw jisung softly smiling at him.

a few seconds were spent just staring into each others eyes. both boys couldn't hide their happiness, smiles and slight blushes on their cheeks. minho just hoped his ears weren't bright red.

"h-hi" minho struggled to say.

"hi hyung!" jisung beamed.

"um, come in" minho said opening the door more.

jisung shy looked down while entering the room only to see hyunjin sitting up against one of the walls on the ground.

minho saw jisung look at hyunjin and was quick to explain.

"he was practicing earlier and is waiting for a friend to pick him up! he'll probably leave in.. maybe ten minutes?"

hyunjin heard them talk about him, so he looked up from his phone to see the boy minho always talks to.

"hey, i'm hyunjin! jisung right?"

"y-yes! i've heard about you from minho! n-nice to meet you" he quietly said.

minho just stood in awe at how beautiful jisung looked in person. of course in pictures he was beautiful, but in person, something changed. he almost glowed in a way.

they shyly talked for a little bit. mostly them just stumbling on their words from nerves, but they did seem to grow a bit more comfortable. eventually they decided to attempt to do what they met here for.

minho played the music in half the speed and told jisung to watch him while he did it the first time. jisung carefully watched minho as he slowly danced to the music.

he would definitely be lying if he said he focused on the actual dance. he was more so focused on how ethereal the older looked. from the way his hair bounced to the way his exposed arms would flex when he did certain moves. it was all enough to make jisung forget about the actual agenda.

he was snapped out of his dream like state when the music suddenly stopped and he heard minho walk towards him.

"so do you have a good idea of what to expect?" minho said smiling and slightly breathing heavy.

jisung gulped and thanked god that he watched minho's youtube video many times to already have an idea.

"y-yeah! should i give it a try now?"

"yes come here!" minho said grabbing jisung's hand and gently pulling him towards the center of the room.

both of them felt butterflies as they had physical contact for the first time. minho couldn't help but smile when he felt the younger's warm and soft hand.

minho decided to teach some steps without the music first, just so jisung could get them down.

minho demonstrated as jisung watched in the mirror and copied. there was one pose the rapper wasn't doing exactly right and minho started walking towards him.

the door to the studio suddenly opened and everyone turned to see who it was. jisung saw a puppy like boy peeking into the room.

he waved to minho and then glanced to hyunjin, who was happily smiling at the boy.

"i'm here to pick up hyunnie"

hyunjin finished gathering his things and was walking towards the door.

minho nodded and replied,

"have fun!"

both hyunjin and seungmin just smiled and said they will before they were about to leave.

"let's go baby" hyunjin said to seungmin before they left the room all together.

once the door shut a small silence settled over the room before minho went to jisung.

"okay so on this part you need to put your arm like this" minho said standing behind him and fixing his pose.

"are you okay?" jisung asked quietly, looking at the older in the mirror.

"yeah, why wouldn't i be?"


this chapter is a lot longer than what i usually do fjdndkxjdkx

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