iced americano

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it had been a few days since jisung figured out minho's crush. he decided to go to a little coffee shop by his school.

it was a really quiet shop, low music and the occasional customer ordering. jisung came here when he just wanted to chill and think. maybe write a song.

he didn't bother looking up from his notebook when he heard the door squeak slightly as it opened.

he heard the customer order his drink and snack.

"is there anything you want min?" asked the boy.

"can i get an iced americano?"

jisung's lifted his head quickly to look at the person talking.

standing at the counter stood two boys. the taller one, who jisung recognized as hyunjin, was standing next to minho.

jisung froze, time seemed to have stopped and he just stared at the pair.

only when they started to walk to a table did he unfreeze and cover his face.

"babe try this" he heard hyunjin say.

a second later he heard minho hum.

"it's pretty good."

"wait come here, you've got something.." the taller states.

jisung decided to slightly peek to see what was playing out.

he saw hyunjin lean forward, extending his arm. he saw the way his thumb glided across minho's bottom lip, opening his mouth slightly.

he also didn't fail to notice the way minho's ears got red and the way hyunjin smiled.

that's all it took for him to pull his hood over his head and quickly leave the shop.

this scene continues in the next chapter!

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