same drink

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"i'll get those" minho said with a smile as he got up to their order.

"one iced americano and a slice a cheesecake for youuu"

jisung watched the items be placed in front of him as he already felt his mouth begin to water.

he thanked minho and grabbed the fork to try the piece of heaven on his plate.

his eyes widened as soon as he put it in his mouth (god pls keep this pg-13 jdnxjsnxjx).

"min you have to try this."

he got another piece on the fork and put it close to minho's mouth.

he watched as the older looked at him then ate the food off the fork.

jisung immediately felt his face flush red with embarrassment. now he understood why anime girls freaked out over an indirect kiss.

"mmm it is good" minho looked into jisung's eyes. they seemed to sparkle as they looked into minho's.

minho wasn't completely oblivious to jisung's cherry red cheeks. but he wasn't sure the reason either.

"w-what does your drink taste like?" jisung quickly said trying to divert minho's attention.

instead he just heard him softly laugh.

"babes i got the same drink as you" 

jisung mentally facepalmed as his embarrassment rose even more. he covered his bright red face with his hands.

"oh no where did my jisungie go?"

"don't look at me right now" jisung whined.

"god you're adorable" minho praised him and pet his head.

jisung slowly uncovered his face, cheeks puffing out in defeat.

"there you are," minho smiled, "do you want to go to the park now?"

jisung nodded and stood up before clearing his spot.

yes it is late but i decided to post this chapter! i hope you enjoy it <3

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