Players and Pieces

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Wow! I'm really getting these chapters out aren't I?

I've had this scene in my head for some time now and I am glad to finally put it on paper! Woohoo!

Anyways, I won't hold you up anymore. So enjoy!


The Emerald forest stretched for kilometers long and wide. Providing to be an excellent training ground for Beacon Academy.

Right now in the middle of it, nearing the temple, Jaune and Pyrrha had trekked for some time. They had stopped earlier near a cave but decided to skip it and move on. 

Jaune was just enjoying the scenery around them, the forest was quite beautiful,  if it wasn't trying to kill them at least. Pyrrha on the other hand stayed vigilant, leading them through the forest as best she can. 

She suddenly heard something running behind them, she stopped and turned around, readying her spear and shield. "P-Pyrrha?" Jaune asked her worried. 

"Get behind me Jaune!" She ordered him, to which he complied.

Pyrrha readied herself to defend them both from what ever was coming at them. She narrowed her eyes, ready to throw her spear when all of a sudden Jack came bursting out at break neck speed. 

He passed them before she could even lower her weapon, all the while yelling "Run run run run run run run........!" continuously. 

Both the blonde knight and bronze spartan just watched him run past and disappear, surprised and confused. That's when a Death Stalker busted through the trees and roared at them.

As it turned out, Jack was running away from the Death Stalker. Pyrrha quickly grabbed Jaune by the arm. "Run!" She yelled as she dragged Jaune away with her, running for their lives from the massive scorpion Grimm and following Jack.


The gust of wind was unbearable. It was so rough Ruby and Weiss were having a hard time trying to hear each other so they resulted in having to yell to each other. Which Weiss took as a great opportunity to berate the crimsonette.

"Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!" The heiress yelled, holding onto dear life to what appeared to be giant black feathers.

"We're fine! Stop worrying!" Ruby yelled back, holding onto the same thing as Weiss, the wind so great her cape was flapping all over the place.

"I am so far beyond worrying!" Weiss yelled again, unhappy of the situation that she is in.

Ruby paused for a sec trying to contemplate what Weiss meant. "In a good way?!"

Weiss didn't waste time to respond to that and to show how clearly mad she is. "In a bad way! In a very bad way!"

Having decided she has had enough of Weiss's bickering, Ruby offered a quick solution. "Well, why don't we just jump?!" A very well unplanned one at that.

"What are you, insane?!" Weiss yelled back in surprise at the suggestion. However she was even more surprised to find no reply. She looked again and found Ruby to be gone.

"Oh, you insufferable little red!" She yelled out.... to no one in particular but herself.


The group of four were still deciding on what to do. With Gopher looking around and Blake and Sam both still looking up into the sky.

Yang kept trying to get her partners attention. "Blake, did hear that? We should d-" she stopped as Blake then just pointed up at the sky.

RWBY & the Tales of SSPF Vol.1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora