The Emerald Forest

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"You may fast, but you still excel at wasting time!" Weiss yelled out annoyed. She then heard a series of leaves rustling followed by a growl. "Ruby?" She asked worriedly, wondering if the red head was just playing a prank on her.

The leaves around her continued to rustle loudly. "...Ruby?" She asked more worriedly, as red eyes began to appear with growling in the forest all around her.

"Ruby!" She yelled as a pack of Beowolves appeared out of the forest around her.

Unknown to her, two figures, one white, one blue, both staying low, staying silent, making their way to her location and staying in the shadows of the forest, intent on figuring out what was going on.


Cobalt was ahead of the group, they were walking in a single file line through the forest, leading them with his sniper rifle against his chest with the barrel pointed down at an angle. They had just left the site of their landing, the pods self destructing afterwards leaving no trace and denying anyone the Coalitions technology.

Cobalt was wearing his favorite black hooded jacket with two blue stripes on both sleeves. Wearing on top over the hooded jacket he had on also has a green tactical vest with grey three-layered shoulder guards. He also wore grey tactical fingerless gloves over his hands and green tactical elbow pads. He also wore black medium tight windbreaker pants with blue lines from both opposite sides with horizontal white arrow stripes on both sides under the knees.  There were hexagon-shaped knee-pads on both of his knees. He wore a pair of all-terrain tactical boots. Strapped to his right leg was a brown pouch bag and strapped on his left was a knife holster with a hunting knife in place.

Carrying in his hands against his chest was his sniper rifle he named 'Three Strikes'. It was named like this because he has two other modes for it as well. A sword mode as well as a spear mode, making him a very versatile fighter. His role was primarily the sniper of the group, taking out anything at a distance while covering his friends and, if the situation calls for it, engage in close combat.

Behind him was Sam, clad in his grey stealth suit with belt straps all over his body. A knife sheath strapped onto the upper part of his right arm. He wore black and grey fingerless tactical gloves, has two brown pistol holsters located on each side of his hips, a pair blue and grey of knee high boots and a pair of blue knee pads shape like shields with black outlines. 

In each of his hands he was carrying his pistols, 'Wolf Pack', that could transform into a pair of swords/katana's. Out of the entire group he had on the least amount of armour as his primary role is scouting and infiltration.

Next was Gopher. He wore a green light weight green sleeve shirt that it's sleeves rolled up 3/4s of the way up, over it was a green tactical zipped up heavy vest battle armour with four grey padding, 2 on each side over it. On is shoulders he had on a pair of double layered yellow shoulder guards. Around his waist he wore a yellow skinned belt with a brown belt buckle and small brown pouch bag attached to it. For pants he was wearing a green tactical heavy military pants with blue lining running down the inside legs. His hands were covered with black finger-less gloves, for shoes he had on a pair of grey tactical boots with black linings. And for extra protection he also had on grey and black outlined tactical Knee and elbow pads. 

His weapon of choice was 'Ignis Colossus', a hand held 50. Cal machinegun that could also transform into a giant hammer. It's also able to fold into itself like a hand bag for easy transportation. His role is to be the support of the team, laying down suppressive heavy fire against the enemy.

And lastly bringing up the rear was Jack. He wore a reverse collar vest with extra vest protection for the lower body, especially for the crotch region up until the thigh with a blue overall self heating and cooling body suit underneath. Above this he had on an Arctic tactical heavy armour with shoulder padding. Wrapped over were two supporting horizontal and vertical vest straps/ tactical belt. On his right arm was a double strap knife sheath holding his prized knife he dubbed 'The Icepick'. Doubling as a combat knife as well as being able to hack into any device with a microchip. He wore a light/ice blue coloured fingerless gloves over his hands, all terrain combat boots, Hexagon shaped knee and elbow guards, a small tactical pouch attached to his left hip and to finish off he had over his right eye his tactical eye piece to help with reading more information on the battlefield.

RWBY & the Tales of SSPF Vol.1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن