The Shining Beacon Part 2

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Hey yo! Got this one out pretty quick. Came up with a few more scenes just to make it a bit longer and more interesting. So I hope you guys will like it.



They both saw the girl walk away from them. Ruby's face fell again, seeing another potential friend walk away from. She fell onto her knees and leaned back onto the ground. "Welcome to Beacon..." She muttered, then closing her eyes, hoping for this to be nothing but a dream and that she would wake up in her bed back home.


Cobalt stood beside her, looking down and feeling sorry for her. She made one girl mad at her (even though he knew Weiss was overreacting) and another just flat out walked away as if nothing had happened. He kept looking down, thinking of a way to cheer her up. He then thought of something and decided to get closer to her, this time by standing right over her, having his shadow cast over and protect her from the sun's rays.

Ruby felt the sudden change of light and heat over her, she opened her eyes and looked directly into the silver orbs of boys eyes. Standing close and providing shade for gave her an unusual feeling, a feeling of being safe, feeling protected by him. She felt her chest beating faster, a feeling that she wants to stay close to him always.

Cobalt looked back into her own silver pair and couldn't help but find her looking cute as she was laying there. While Ruby felt a sense of warmth and protection from his eyes. He sensed a feeling of innocence and free spirit from Ruby's pair.

They both continued to stare into each other eyes for what must have felt like hours. Cobalt broke from the trance and made a small chuckle. "What? Can't I provide some shade?" He said, noticing how Ruby had been looking at him, figuring she was looking at him as if she was questioning why he was standing next to her.

Ruby let out a small giggle. "I'm Ruby" Cobalt smiled and reached out his hand to her. "I'm Cobalt." He said as Ruby grabbed his and got pulled to her feet.

Ruby laughed a bit at his name. "What?" He asked

"Nothing just.... it just sounds funny that you're named after a blue crystal." she said.

"Pfft.......I could say the same for you being named after a red gemstone." He laughed, he wasn't going to let her go with that.

They both laughed at their antics until Cobalt turned his head and saw Jaune in the distance moping. Realizing he forgot about the blonde knight he waved him over to introduce Ruby to him.

After introducing the pair and Ruby asking if he 'was the guy who threw up on the ship', they then walked aimlessly around the courtyard.

"All I'm saying is that motion sickness is much more a common problem than people let on." Jaune said.

" Look, I'm sorry Vomit-boy was the first thing that came to mind." she said to him, earning a small stifled chuckle from Cobalt.

Jaune, feeling a bit insulted, opted for a bit of revenge. "Oh yeah, what if I called you Crater-face?" Cobalt was now almost hysterical, trying very hard from laughing out even more. Keyword.... trying.

"Hey that explosion was an accident. And don't you go laughing at me buster!" Ruby said pointing a menacing finger at the laughing boy.

He continued laughing, bringing his arms up in surrender. "Heh..... sorry Ruby, I just couldn't... *breaks out laughing* couldn't resist!"

Ruby then gave him a powerful punch to the arm, enough to make him stumble back. "Ow! Jeez that hurt. Then again why am I even surprised?" He said, now rubbing the sore spot on his arm. Remembering that she had punched him the same way last night. And in the exact same spot!

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