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'I maybe heartless, but you're naive'

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'I maybe heartless, but you're naive'

The floor swaying under her feet as the lack of oxygen demanded her brain made her see darkness around her eyes, after Taehyung had made a move the first thought she had in her mind was to run away. Not the cleverest idea but with his gaze as his hair fell over his eyes making him look ethereal, he looked too tempting to not feast on. However, her brain had reacted quickly telling her to run away trusting the brain now she is in her room hiding from her soulmate who looked about to eat her.

A certain look in his eyes made her cheeks redden with desire, her body had given up against Jin and Taehyung her mind wanted a chase where it feels accomplished with life. She loved chases, her heart had calmed it's race towards eternity now she craved rest. The sleep and comfort of home. Her thoughts clouding her mind once again. The days are getting busier with new things, she's scared of them finding out about her identity. Hiding her discomfort as there is no one for her to cuddle beside her, she angrily pulls the pillow in her arms.

Imagining the what if's and the pains of her heart. Drained out of her mind feeling a big migraine coming as the dull ache in her temples starts to grow. Releasing a groan she clutches the pillow tighter than ever in hopes for the pain to vanish. Her heart pumping the blood twice the speed as there was a sudden burn in her head making her want to bang her head against the wall. The last time she had this kind of ache she ended tearing up from the pain. Now, the tears have vanished, she felt empty as if the hole in her heart was filled for an instance then it was forcefully ripped off her body and thrown in the darkest pits once again.

Will to live was never an option but now she wanted to live to see everything that happens. The men who rejected her, they're watching her she knew that at the back of her mind. Trying to grasp her, trying to toy with her emotions, trying to hurt her. The days in South Korea were limited but her life had somehow shortened with rejection from the unknown men. Pitying herself with everything, she wants to loathe them for making her feel the anger towards them. She wanted to see them ruined. This time she wanted to wish to see them in the depths of ruins of the earth but her heart had caged the mind in the promises of sweet whispers of future and hope of acceptance. It gave her sweet nothings to which she wanted to cling on, afterall she couldn't wish for their destruction where she prayed the deities above to make them on top of the world making them unreachable.

They seem to look like archangels but now they're nothing but men full of sins, their eyes wish destruction of people, she's isn't sane either but being stuck in a dilemma in trying to hate them and trying to embrace the pain they will inflict on her somehow it vanished from her sleep. A sudden pinch in her chest made her gasp for the pillows beside her, almost twisting something inside her. Her breath accelerated with the thoughts of her heart's sweet promises; she tried to take deep breaths but nothing could stop the pain in her ribs making her feel like something was hurting.

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