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Me and Hannah spoke amicably on the way to Hannah's sister, who would hold the party. I told her about asking Hashirama to stay away from drugs, and how happy I was he immediately understood my wish and accepted it whole-heartedly.

"That's fantastic, Madara!" she said, putting an arm around me. "I'm so happy for you. I believe the true Hashirama is coming forth, and it's your doing."

I smiled and blushed.

Hannah sister lived in a huge apartment that matched the economic state of her parents. She was very down to Earth, just like Hannah was, and welcomed me with open arms.

"Ohh, Hannah, I'm jealous!" she screeched. "I've always wanted a gay friend!"

"Katie!" Hannah exclaimed.

I just smiled. "I'm bi", I corrected.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" Katie put her hands to her mouth. "I'm so prejudiced!"

"Don't worry", I smiled. "I wasn't offended." That was true. I instantly liked Katie.

Me and Hannah stayed close, but I realised that this party contained people that didn't mind my looks at all, but welcomed me genuinely. Katie, like Hannah, had a nerdy side to her as well which attracted open-minded people and repulsed anyone else. We sipped on champagne and played Mario Kart until we scream-laughed.

It was one of the best nights I had had without Hashirama. God, I loved that man. Ever since we'd talked in the bathtub, my life had just clicked into place.

"What are you thinking about?" Hannah nudged me, and I could see the curious glances of the people around me.

"What?" I said, lost.

They all burst out laughing. "You just disappeared! You're in love, you were thinking about Hashirama!" Hannah screeched.

"Oh, he's so handsome!" a girl named Laura shouted. "Please tell em about the size of his d-"

"NO!" A boy named Mohammed shouted. "Spare me!!"

"Oh, you're just jealous because YOURS-"

"Tell us about you two, Madara!"

"Yeah tell us! Is he good to you?"

I blushed and looked away. But they kept pushing, so I happily gave in. "He loves me", I said. My little audience became dead silent. "And I love him back. He's just so true to me, to himself. Easy to talk to. Ambitious. Has never judged me in any way. I feel like he's looking up to me. And I look up to him."

Hannah, in her tipsy state, had started crying.

"Oh, that is the sweetest.." Laura whispered.

And then, we were interrupted. It was Katie.

"Help! The group of guys... The group of guys in my bedroom!" She seemed in a complete panic.

"What, Katie?" Hannah asked, worry in her voice.

"They're smoking pot! What the fuck do I do? I don't dare to confront them."

Hannah instantly stood up. "What the actual fuck! They know they're not allowed! You've told them!" She started stomping away, not at all worried about telling them off, and the rest of us followed.

As we got closer to Hannah bedroom, we could sense the smell. And I felt a tingling sensation in my fingertips. It was as if the smoke caused my throat to constrict, and I felt panic rise up in my chest like bile. Izuna...

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