Chapter eleven: Dragon Fiasco

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"Mila! Wake up!" a voice said.

"I'm awake, Dobby!" I said while waking up.

"Who's Dobby?" the voice asked. I opened my eyes.

"Oh, sorry, Lisa. I forgot I was at Hogwarts." I said. She laughed.

"You need to dress up fast or else we will miss breakfast!" she said. I stood up and put on my robes. "Who is Dobby?" 

"It's our house elf." I said.

"Wicked!" she said. We walked, almost ran, to the great hall.

"Oh no! Everyone is already gone!" I said out of breath.

"Don't worry. We'll probably only get detention or something." Lisa said.

"Only detention? You don't mind detention! I do!" I said.

"Okay, miss perfect! Let's go then!" she said and we rushed to our class. We opened the door for Defense Against The Dark Arts. The whole class looked over to us.

"W-why are y-you two late?" professor Quirrel asked.

"I'm sorry, professor! Madam Lestrange was sleeping like Sleeping Beauty!" Lisa said. I poked her with my elbow.

"D-detention!" Quirrel said. Lisa laughed at me.

"B-both of you!" he continued. I laughed. I saw that the whole class was giggling. "N-now sit d-down, p-please!"

We sat down. The lesson felt like it was going on for hours. Lisa fell asleep. Luckily, Quirrel didn't notice.

The next lesson was Potions. "The last thing I want right now is Snape talking for an hour." I wined. Lisa and I laughed.

"He's not that bad." Lisa said. What did she just say?

"Sometimes I wonder why you're a Hufflepuff and not a Slytherin." I said.

The lesson was pretty bad. We lost house points again. Even the Ravenclaws did. I struggled again with making the potion. Lisa didn't at all. She tried to help me, but Snape noticed it and we lost points. As usual.

"Finally! We can eat!" Lisa said.

"I'm starving!" I said. We ran to the Great Hall. The Gryffindors were already sitting at their table. We sat with them and ate our lunch. Suddenly I remembered the letter I lost.

"Neville." I whispered to him. Luckily he sat next to me.

"Yes? What's up?" he asked.

"Remember my letter I showed you yesterday?" I asked. He nodded.

"I don't have it anymore! I probably left it at the train and someone probably has already took it and read it and.." I continued.

Before I could finish my sentence, Neville interrupted: "I have it! You gave it to me, remember? And when Hermione came in the compartment, I didn't know if you wanted to show it to her, so I kept it. I didn't had the time to give it back to you today." Neville said. Thank the lord. "I have it in one of my bags, so that no one could find it and read it. When is your last lesson today?".

"I'm free for the rest of the day." I answered.

"Me too. We can get it after lunch, if you want?" Neville suggested. I nodded.

"Mila! We are going to hang out in the Hufflepuff common room. Are you coming too?" Lisa asked me.

"Sure! I have first something to do, but I will come after that!" I said.

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