Chapter two: Diagon Alley

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I woke up early. It was finally the day. The day we were going to Diagon Alley. I was so excited that I couldn't go back to sleep when I woke at 8 am. So I jumped out of bed and dressed myself. I went down and plopped on the couch. Narcissa and Lucius were also up too. We waited for Draco to come down. When he finally arrived, we had breakfast. Draco and I ate our breakfast as fast as we could. Draco was excited too. He couldn't stop talking about what Diagon Alley would look like and what shops there would be. Draco and I finished our breakfast in a split second. Narcissa and Lucius on the other hand were eating on their regular speed. I got a little frustrated. I noticed Draco did too.

"You two can put your shoes on and grab your coats" said Lucius. "I can't stand your restlessness anymore. We'll be ready when you two come back".

Draco and I jumped of our chairs and went to grab our shoes and coats.

"Are you excited?" Draco asked.

"Of course I am, idiot". Draco laughed nervously at my response. When we put on our shoes, I saw Draco struggling. It was probably of the tension. He always acts tough on the outside, but I can see through that.

"Have you suddenly forgot how to tie your shoelaces?" I joked. Draco shrugged. I helped Draco. What a baby.

"I don't know. I think I'm just too excited" Draco said. I was also struggling to tie his shoes, but I managed to tie them. We hurried off to our coats and then softly ran back to Narcissa and Lucius. They managed to finish their breakfast, put on their shoes and coats in that time.

"Are you ready?" Narcissa asked with her comfortable smile. Me and Draco nodded. Draco grabbed some Floo Powder and went to stand in the fireplace.

"You need to say 'Diagon Alley' very clearly, okay honey?" Narcissa said. I saw Draco hesitating for a second, but then out of no where he said: "Diagon Alley". There came green flames and in a snap he was gone. Lucius gave me a sign to grab some Floo Powder. I grabbed the powder and said very clearly: "Diagon Alley". I closed my eyes and after a second I opened them. I stood in a street full of witches and wizards. I saw lots of shops with cool stuff. I looked around and saw Draco standing with Narcissa and Lucius. I walked to them.

"Mila! I knew Diagon Alley was cool, but I didn't knew that it was this brilliant!" Draco said.

I was staring around me full of delight, when Lucius interrupted me: "Let's get the stuff before everything is sold out". Buzzkiller.

We walked through the street, until Lucius stopped in front of a shop called Madam Malkin's.

"You two get in there and fit your new robes, while Narcissa and I go to get money from Gringrotts". We nodded and entered the shop. A lovely lady walked to us.

"Are you looking for your first school robes?" the lady said. Draco and I nodded while we were looking around the shop. "Come with me, please. I will measure you and make your robes".

We followed her. When we arrived at the back of the shop, there was already standing a boy. I couldn't see his face properly.

"Chop chop, stand next to him. He doesn't bite!" the lady said. Draco stood next to the boy and I next to Draco. Draco started a conversation with the boy.

"Did you also get a letter from Hogwarts?" Draco asked the boy. He nodded. Draco started rattling about Quidditch, being spoiled by Narcissa and Lucius, his confidence in getting sorted into Slytherin, unkind things about a man called Hagrid and his belief that Muggle-borns shouldn't be allowed to attend Hogwarts. The boy just nodded the whole time. The only thing he said was 'yes' and 'no'. When we were ready, Draco walked straight out of the shop with his robes in his hands without saying a 'goodbye' or a 'see you later' to the boy.

The Boy Who Believed - Neville Longbottom x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora