Chapter twenty-five: The Voice

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I've received an update about Ron and Hermione. They're doing fine. Ron said he threw up so many times, but that it was over now. I apologized to Hermione for what Draco said. She said it was fine and not my fault. She was first sad, but she got over it after a good pep talk. So everything was fine.

Although, Lisa was quiet the rest of the week. Every time I asked her how she was, she changed the subject to something else or ignored it. Lisa especially acted weird when Heidi was around. Lisa wasn't the only one who was acting weird. Heidi seemed to avoid Lisa too. I tried to ask Heidi what was wrong, but she wouldn't answer either.

"They probably don't like each other." Neville said when I asked him for advice.

"If that is true, Lisa would've told me right away." I said.

"I know this is hard to ask from you, but maybe you need to let it go and give her some space." Neville said.

"Yeah. You're probably right." I said. But how? I'm 24/7 with her. I couldn't live another day without her.

Neville chuckled. "I'm always right." he said. I laughed.

"Thank you." I said.

"No problem at all. You can always come to me if something is bothering you!" he said.

So that was what I did. I followed Neville's advice and gave Lisa some space. It was pretty hard, especially when we both were in our dorms at the same time. Lisa and I didn't sit next to each other at the Halloween feast. The Great Hall had been decorated. There were the usual live bats, pumpkins were carved into lanterns, and there were rumors that Dumbledore had booked a troupe of dancing skeletons for the entertainment. I talked to Neville a lot. Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't with us for some reason.

"They're probably doing something dangerous again." Seamus said.

"I reckon they're flying a dragon right now." Dean said.

We all laughed until someone cleared their throat.

"Miss Lestrange and Miss Black, may I ask you what you're doing at the Gryffindor table?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"I'm sorry Professor. We will go." I said and stood up to leave.

"I understand that the Gryffindors are fun to talk with, but you have enough students at the Hufflepuff table." McGonagall continued. I nodded and walked to the Hufflepuff table. Lisa walked away without saying anything to Professor McGonagall or me.

"Did you get caught?" Cedric asked me when I sat down, smirking. I nodded. "That sucks. Why aren't you sitting with Lisa?" I shrugged. Luckily Cedric didn't ask further about it.

I wasn't very hungry anymore and stared at my food until I heard a hissing voice: "Rip... Tear... Kill..."

I heard this voice before at one evening this week. I thought I imagined it. I stood up and ran out of the Great Hall. I was trying to listen for another sound.

"So hungry... for so long..." the voice hissed. I followed the voice up the staircase.

"Listen!" I heard a familiar voice saying. I ran to the direction the familiar voice came from.

The Boy Who Believed - Neville Longbottom x OCWhere stories live. Discover now