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Are you interested in joining communities, or simply want to know what's out there? Maybe just knowing that people are helping to make change is enough to make you feel better. Read on: You are not alone.

Educate yourself.

Here is a start ----


What are Activists' programs?

What are they doing and what are the programs and movements?

What does the community bring?

One example of a movement is Black Lives Matter.

This program includes many issues that contain race, gender, and sexuality.

Another movement is Young Feminist Wire.

There is an online program for this, that was created in March 2010.

Feminist program is specifically about Women's Rights. They work to create a society of equality. They are here to create a society of gender equality, and social justice around the world.

These programs are for everyone. Everyone needs to stand up and bring people together to fight for human rights. Equality is needed.

These programs are not made for discriminating against anybody.
The intention is to bring everyone, of many ethnic groups, gender identities, races, and cultures to come together and speak up about love!

-Maybe you feel excluded from these topics and issues,
-maybe people have told you that you're the problem or aren't important,
-and maybe you have been told that these movements are against others, like men, or white people, so you don't want to be a part of them. 

No, that's not true.  You are important and these movements are about love!

Those who speak about the movements ignorantly are not aware or aligned with the higher purpose and truth about the issues and movements. 

Refocus. Because you are needed!

We need everyone to come together and speak about what it right!

Don't hide your voice!

We are all struggling and are all facing similar challenges, and we're here to come together. 

Stop discrimination.

We are all beautifully different

and we must embrace it.

and we must notice that through all these differences, we are all connected.

All the past discrimination is bullshit, let's create change and stop this systematic abuse- AKA nonsense!

Activist programs are about this ---- speaking up, connecting, and loving. 

Join the way you can!
Even if it isn't through protests, or communities-
You can help out by simply putting your love out into the world, and by being your wonderful self.

Speaking up about it at home, and social media is a way of contributing too!

We can change the world to be a world full of possibilities and freedom.
The whole world can be free.



I hope this helped and widened your understanding about communities, and the true intention.

You are not alone!

we got this!

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