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You think you're too old, it's too late for me, or I'm too young, I don't know enough....

The world around you shows a perfect world of how young people are getting out there, doing their dream,
famous big stars!!!

And you feel... I'm running out of time, my time has past, I'll never be that...

Know, that those expectations are not real, they're illusions.

You will always become what you're destined to be❤️
Don't set limitations on yourself, you are so much more!

If you just give up on your dream, that is why it never happened, not because of lack of experience or your age, but because you decided to stop believing in yourself.

Continue believing! Do what YOU love❤️❤️❤️

You deserve it!!!!


These words are from me and dedicated to you.
Please use this as a tool to continue striving.

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