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S U M M E R   P O V

We had packed our cases and ready to leave. Scott put his house up for sale, plus he said he had enough to keep us going until we found jobs. I didn't want to pry into his affairs, so I didn't ask. He contacted a real estate agent to put his house up for sale.

Hope I'm doing the right thing in putting my trust into Scott. We make our way to the airport. He seems distant from what had happened between him and his father. Just hope he knows what he is doing. And he doesn't go regretting the choices he's made.

Waiting to board our flight, he pulls me tight to him. "Summer, I promise we will be okay." We kiss. Look into his eyes while he smiles. "You are taking an enormous leap. Are you sure you want to do this?" Part of me is not sure if he's doing this for all the right reasons. Or if he's really thought it through.

He takes my hand, and we step onto the plane to take our seats. "I love you. I want to be with you." He kisses my knuckles. "This is my choice. No one's pushed me into it." We buckle up and the flight takes off. A long flight ahead of us.

Most of the journey he rested his head on my shoulder with our fingers clasped. Take a deep breath to look out the window. My thoughts trail away. "We will need to look for a house." "Scott, we need to find jobs first." He nods. "Have no idea where to look." He said shrugs his shoulders. "It shouldn't be hard for you to find something." He laughs with what I had said to him. "All I know is how to invest and how to make shitloads of money." Shake my head at him and he smirks.

Laid my head back in the seat to close my eyes for the rest of the journey. Scott rested his head against mine too.


We arrived where my mother is staying with my Auntie. My heart exploded when I hugged my mother. "Mum, you look well." She leans back to get a better look at me. "I have missed you, baby." My mother comes at me with open arms. She smiles at Scott, he nods. We settle into our room before exploring the town and finding jobs.

Scott had put his suit on. I stood staring at him. His smile is luring his eyes bright he reeked with confidence. "Summer, I will start with the large firms." Takes my hand gently pulls me to him. "This is a whole new life for both of us. A fresh start to our marriage." His arms snake around my tiny waist. "You will have more luck than me," I tell him. He lifts my chin.

His eyes locked to mine. "Soon as we have a job, we need to look for a house. I love you." I nod he kisses me and leaves. Sit on the bed to look at myself in the mirror. "I love you too Scott." Whisper to myself. Smiled and leave to find a job.

I have been all over the town looking but there just is nothing. Filled in so many applications for different professions. Just hope Scott had better luck than me. Feel a failure but it's only our first day here. Arrived back at the house to see Scott sitting on the steps. He looks up at me.

Sit beside him, he places his arm around me. "I didn't have much luck. But I need to talk to you." He said and turns to face me. "Summer, I have money that will help us live comfortably plus the house is up for sale." Smiled at him. "Guess what I'm trying to say is. I could start up my own company." I stood to look down at him. Not sure what to say.

Close my eyes for a few seconds. "Scott, do you think that would wise? Won't it be too risky?" He shakes his head at what said. "No." He stands takes my left-hand looks down at the ring on my finger. "I have enough to start an entirely new company. Plus, have enough to buy a house." He cups my cheeks. "I love you. I want to be a husband that can provide for you." He made me smile.

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