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S U M M E R  P O V 

Tried to sort out a funeral is proving to be a nightmare. We arrange flowers for funerals at our little florist shop; we have no idea what happens at a funeral. We just deliver the flowers, that is, it. Stood in the florist shop making the reefs for my father's funeral, tried to hold myself together for my mother's sake. 

My father died two weeks ago, leaving behind a void in our lives with heartache which will take us time to get over. Placed the flowers on the counter glance at the other reefs I had already made. Tomorrow is the day we say our last goodbye to my father cannot believe it happened, it was sudden. 

One minute he is laughing, the next grabbed at his chest. Feel guilty not being by his side, but he suffered a massive heart attack. My poor mother does not want to do anything, which is heartbreaking enough. Finish the reef, place them in the fridge, lock up the shop, walk to my car, slide-in drive home.

Pulled up to my home, slide out of my car, enter the house to see Scott's mum sitting with my mum drinking tea. Smiled at her make my way to the stairs to my room to have a shower laid on the bed. After having my shower, I curled into a ball sobbing, not wanting tomorrow to come. 

There is a knock at my door, not answering Anita walks in curls up with me hugging me tightly. She is the closest person I got at the moment she is more of a friend too. She pushes my hair from my face. "I will be with you tomorrow." She rests her hand on the side of my head pulls me into her embrace. 

She is like having my very own sister which I do not have one nor a brother I am the only child with all the burdens. Rest my head on the pillow my sobbing finally stops enough for me to fall asleep.


Woke this morning not wanting to get up knowing I had a lot to do. Have a shower and get dressed. Make my way to the shop to deliver the flowers for my father. My body is aching from sorrow, it had hit me so hard I am just barely coping for my mother's sake. 

Delivered the flowers return home to dress ready in my funeral clothes. My mother not saying much she looks lost just staring out the window. She turns looks at me her eyes bloodshot. "Summer, after today I will move in with your Auntie." Stepped towards her take her hand strain a smile.

"Auntie Mona will love that." My Auntie had been wanting my parent's to visit her for years but they always used the shop for an excuse not to go. She lives over in the states though plus she lost her husband four years ago but she has no children. My mother stands giving me a hug. 

"I love you, baby." Wipe each other's tears away we compose ourselves step to the door to see our father waiting in the Hearse. We step out, lock up slide into the funeral car make our way to the church.

Arrived at the church where so many people had shown up. Slide out of the car Scott steps closer to me with his parent's, Anita hugged me. Walked with my mother we stand behind the coffin following my father into the church. Sit in the pew with my mother Scott on the other side of me and his sister his parents we listened to the vicar. 

Stared at my father's coffin not believing this is real, it feels like a dream but it is not. Wipe my eyes Scott offers his hankie, take it to wipe my eyes. We listen to the last word stand follow my father to where he is going to be buried. Not able to take the pain in my heart my legs give out Scott catches me holding me up. 

Lean into him could not care less if I hated him I just wanted someone to hold me to hug me. He puts his arm around me giving me secure support. When the coffin starts to lower I lose it again my mother is hugging Anita. Bury my face into Scott's shoulder sobbing. He wraps both arms around me tight while I sobbed. He walked me back to the car opening the door for me. 

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