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S U M M E R    P O V

All packed and loaded in the car, ready to leave this town. Not heard from Scott or Travis since the party a few days ago. Couldn't stay with the way they acted like animals in front of everyone. Put my seat belt on when my phone rings. Pick my mobile up from the passenger seat to answer it. "Hello." Didn't recognise the number.

"Summer, I thought I should let you know that the job is no longer available." Sit dumbfounded, not letting him know how angry I am for him giving me short notice.

"Okay." Hang up the phone to throw it on the passenger seat. Just sit staring at the steering wheel. No home, no job. What the hell do I do now? Rest my head back, close my eyes for a few seconds. What a fucking mess I'm in right now. 

Look down at my mobile, shake my head. Reach my hand to pick the phone up, not believing what is going through my mind. Scroll through the numbers and push ring. "Scott, I wouldn't ring you, but I have no other choice." Close my eyes.

"Summer, this is an unexpected call, but if I can help I will," He didn't sound too pleased.

"My new job fell through, plus the house is sold. I need somewhere to crash just until I can sort myself out," Didn't want to ask him, but I have no way of finding somewhere to live plus a job in a few hours.

"We are still married. Come over I got plenty of room." We hang up. Gaze at my phone why the hell did I ask him? Start the engine drive over to his.


Arrive at his. I sit in the car staring at the door to his house. This is all wrong, I shouldn't be here. Start the car when there is a knock on the driver window. Turn to see Scott staring at me. Push the button to put the window down. "I'm sorry Scott this is all wrong. I will leave." He leans in the car stares at me shakes his head. "That is your choice". He said. 

I look out the window then at the steering wheel. "I should go," I tell him. "So where would you stay?" He asks. Shrug my shoulders. "I could ask Travis if I could crash at his while he's at UNI." Scott reaches in takes the keys. "Do you honestly think I would let my wife stay at her ex's?" Shake my head. "What other choice do I have?" "Stay here until you sort yourself out." He kisses my cheek opens the door takes my hand.

We grab a couple of boxes to take into the house. Couldn't believe what is happening to me. My father dies, my mother moved over to America to be with my auntie. And I'm on the verge of being divorced from the one guy who I hate but wanted to help me. 

He shows me to a room where I put the boxes in the closet just leaving them. Sit on the edge of the bed with Scott stood by the door. He looks over at me. "Are you hungry?" He asks. Nod, stand to follow him to the kitchen where he makes us something to eat.

We sit at the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Thank you for doing this," I tell him. He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm having a few friends over at the weekend." He informs me. "I will stay outta the way." He smirks not saying anything else. It is awkward between us. Could feel the tension in the atmosphere. Placed my plate in the sink.

Turn to walk away when Scott pins me to the counter. No idea what the hell is going on. We kiss with passion. We rip our clothes off. He lifts me up on the counter opens my legs and plunges his tongue inside my cunt. 

Pull at his hair inflicting pain on him. His fingers twist my nipples making me moan loudly. He bites hard at my clit sending a sensation rushing through my entire body. I wanted more and boy he gives me more. My legs open wide he thrusts his cock deep inside me which makes me flinch with pain. He pounds me hard slapping his hips into me.

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