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S U M M E R    P O V

Scott is staring at me, not saying a word about me leaving to be with my mother. I didn't exactly break it to him gently. Told him bluntly, just came right out with it. No messing around. He is pacing the lounge, his eyes staring at me. "I'm sorry, Scott, but this is for the best. The sooner I leave, the better it is for everyone." "Better for who?" He asks. I lean against the door frame, watching him.

Couldn't understand why he is acting so weird about me leaving. We are divorced, well we soon will be. "I got nothing here. No family, no job and no home." He steps towards me, closing the gap between us. "Summer, am I not part of your family? We are married." Shake my head.

Take a deep breath look into his eyes to notice they are deep blue. Smiled glanced at the floor. He tilts my chin. "This is nothing to do with you, Scott. I should leave." He steps back to slide his hands in the pockets of his trousers. "Summer, I know we will be divorced soon, but can't you wait until it's finalised?" Shake my head, step away from him.

We have nothing, there is nothing, and there will be nothing between us. Made my way to the room to sort out my cases. I couldn't take everything with me. Got my phone out to book a flight which leaves in two days. Smiled with excitement, couldn't wait to leave.


Stood on the balcony looking out over the vast garden. Turn to look at the bed where my case is. Stepped back into the room to make my way down to see Scott.

Stepped into the kitchen to see Scott leaning on the counter with a glass of scotch. He glances over at me then back at his glass. He straightens up places his glass on the counter to face me standing on the other side of the island. "I can't help but wonder if this is to do with my father?" He's confused with what is happening.

Our eyes lock. He's one side of the island I'm the other. "It's nothing to do with your father. Come on Scott you said it yourself. You only wanted me so you could fuck me." His eyes blink. "I know what I said. But so much as happened between us." "Just think you can go back to looking for pussy and fucking the maid." I laughed but he didn't.

He picks up his glass downs the dark liquid to throw the glass at the wall in rage. Not even flinching at what he did. "Summer. I don't know what the hell is happening to me, but I feel confused with my emotions. The way I feel for you." Looked up at the ceiling to roll my eyes. "Scott, you have no feelings for me. It was an impulse. A moment that we both shared." He steps around the island moves towards me.

Lick my dry lips. "A moment." He says while one hand cups my cheek. "An impulse." He says while his other hand cups my other cheek. "No feelings." His lips touch mine so softly. Makes my entire body tingle. "Why do you think I wanted to make love to you? I wanted to feel the way your body trembled." Removed his hands from my cheeks to step away from him.

Could not keep going on like this. "Scott, if I stayed with you how long would it be before you get tired of me? Wanting to feed your ego and fucking any girl that throws themselves at you?" He steps towards me. "It wouldn't happen." "Come on. Look what you did last weekend at the party." He runs his fingers through his hair. "Summer it would different if you are with me. I would take you to the parties." Shake my head.

He will never change no matter what he said. He's got an ego that needs filling. "No, Scott. It's time for me to leave. This was an arranged marriage. You did it for all the wrong reasons and so did I. I wanted to help my parents and you wanted to fill your ego." Step back from him to walk past. He touches my hand to stop me from walking away.

We smiled at each other. He takes his hand from me. "Summer, I'm sorry for my Selfish actions plus I'm sorry for your father's death." Turn from him to move away but stop by the door to look back at him. "Do you know, you are a really nice guy when you are not acting so big-headed." He smiled at me shrugs his shoulders.


Laid on the bed staring into the darkness of the room. I couldn't sleep. My thoughts are not my own. One day to go and I leave for good. But what Scott had said is swirling around in my mind. He would never change the way he acts. Slide outta bed to step over to the window to look out at the night sky.

Just happen to glance down by the pool to see Scott sitting with a bottle of whiskey. He looked lost in thought. Why would he be sitting out there at this time of the morning? Stepped over to the door to make my way down to where he is.


Approached the pool he looks over at me shakes his head takes a mouthful of drink from the bottle. "Have you come to tell me how I messed up." His voice is sorrowful. "No. Wanted to know why you are out here at this time of night?" "I could ask you the same thing." He says offering me the bottle. Take the bottle to have a mouthful and hand back to him. He moves his legs so I could sit with him.

He takes another mouthful. "I went to see my father after we spoke earlier. He was aggressive with me telling me how I should grow up and see how lucky I am to have what I got." He takes another mouthful. "He went on telling me if I persuaded you to stay, he would cut me off from the families wealth. I told him to go to hell and I didn't need his fucking money. That is when we ended up throwing punches at each other." Couldn't believe what I'm hearing.

He offers me the bottle, take a mouthful. "Scott, why the hell would you do something like that? You know you can't live without money. Look at your lifestyle you live." He takes the bottle. "You don't get it, do you, Summer?" "Explain yourself." He stands places the rim of the bottle to his mouth and downs the rest of the liquid.

Places the bottle on the floor gets down on one knee in front of me takes my left hand. He looks down at the wedding ring he had placed upon my finger the day we married. "This ring upon your finger means we said vows. Vows I had broken. Trust that we never had. We also never spoke much about anything. Asking each other how our day was." He looks up into my eyes. "Summer this ring means so much. And that is why I'm going with you." What the hell. Did I hear him right?

Gobbed smacked with what he said and surprised. "My father had the same shocked look on his face too. I don't need wealth. I have money saved until I get a job. Enough for us to start over again. Summer, I love you." Wow, he really is taking a leap. And he loves me. "Scott, you are so sweet, but I can't let you do this." "Summer, please. I want to do something for myself for once and not rely on my parents. I love you and I want to be with you. Please stay as my wife?" He pleads. I rise to my feet, close my eyes for a second.

He's not letting my hand go. "Scott, if we do this there will be rules." He smirks. "I can live with rules," I smirked he creases his brows. "Rules you cannot break," I said. He pulls me tight to his frame kissing me. "Rules we both can't break." He said and kisses me. Can't believe we finally connected. Also, he's given up on his families wealth. All I can say is he must really love me to give up so much. I guess I will tell him later that I love him too.








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