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S U M M E R    P O V

Four weeks have already flown by Travis had gone back to College so had my friends. Going to a formal with Scott, which his mother had kindly put our names forward. So now I am obliged to attend with Scott, who I truly hate being close to me. Finish work lock-up the shop step towards my car slide in to drive to the in-laws.

Arrive park the car walk up the steps to the door where a new maid opens the door glanced down at her she smiles. Thinking it will only be a matter of time before Scott fucks her. Make my way to his room to have a shower open the door to enter the room to see Scott walking around with his towel loosely wrapped around his waist. 

He side glances at me. Step into the closet to grab my robe step into the bathroom have a shower dry my hair put my robe on step out into the room to see Scott in a tux. 

Not taking any notice of him or even talking to him walk into the closet to see my dress hung on the tall hanger. Take a deep breath take it off the hanger step into it push my tits in place pull up the zip on the side. Stare at myself in the mirror at this red satin sleeveless gown hugging my body with a split on the left up to the top of my thigh. Put my locket necklace on. Make sure I look all right still pushing my tits in place stand straight glanced in the mirror perfect. 

Pick my shoes up step into the bedroom to sit on the bed to put my red heels on. Which had cross straps on my ankles bending down doing them up. Scott steps out from the bathroom glances at me. Pulls his cuffs straight glances in the mirror to make sure his black bow tie is straight. 

Stand beside him while looking in the full-length mirror still pushing my tits in place. Step back take one last look did notice that Scott is only a few inches taller than me when I have my heels on so he got to stand about six-two. Pick up my clutch bag we leave.

Slide into the limo Scott slides in after me, my entire left leg is on show right up to my thigh. Gaze out the window not talking to each other or even glanced at each other. The limo arrives at the venue. The driver gets the door. Scott steps out doing up his tux jacket slid out, not even wanting him to touch me he shakes his head. He places his hand near the small of my back not touching me. 

We enter the hall where we are greeted with the host who starts to talk to me. I have no idea what the hell she is talking about so I nod smile glance around to see women in gowns men in tuxedoes. Scott points to a table where we sit order drinks. 

He looks right at home being here with all these wealthy people. Drink my drink feeling bored. He stands walks over to the bar where he uses his charm to chat up some pussy. Pushing my chair out knock some gent who is now wiping his jacket. "I am so, sorry.." He stands straight gazes at me offers me his hand offer mine back he kisses my knuckles. He looks fine in his mid-twenties with a body that makes me lick my lips.

"Not every day a beautiful woman knocks my drink from my hand." Well, his voice is dreamy. Wow, he's something. "Where are my manners." He offers me his hand again. "Marcelo." Place my hand in his.

"Summer." He smiles showing his perfect white teeth.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." Now he is being cheesy with his chat-up line but hell he is one hot piece of ass. "Maybe we could chat later?" Nod step over to the bar to get a real drink. Scott stares while he is stood chatting with a young girl. Pick my drink up glance around wonder why I had come.

"Would you like to dance?" A guy asks me. Down my drink follow him to the dance floor where we waltz round to a couple of songs that the quartet is playing which sounds amazing. He escorts me back to the side of the dance floor. I am asked to dance again by a middle-aged gent. Nod we dance to one song he walks me back to the end of the dance floor. Walk to the bar to get a drink. Down it get another walk to my seat place my glass on the table to feel a tap on my shoulder. Turn around to have Marcelo stare at me.

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