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S U M M E R    P O V

Sitting with the real-estate guy going over an offer that had been put in for the shop a few days ago. That is when Scott slept on the sofa again before moving to his house, which I did not go. He never asked me or gave me an explanation. Something had happened for him to not even speak to me or even tell me he had been moving back to his so, I packed the same day after he had left moving into my parent's house until we sell it. 

Going over the offer just told the guy to take it; I had enough of the whole thing with the town talking about my marriage to Scott. Now his father wants me to stop by the office for some forms to sign. Shake the hand of the agent make my way to the office of Delanti, not sure what to expect or what I am signing. 

Walk along the path to make my way to the office building, thinking to myself why the hell do I stay in this town when it seems like everyone wants nothing to do with me. Scott's reputation had an impact on mine there is no getting away from it.

Walked through the doors of the office building make my way to the floor where his father wanted to see me. Stepped out of the elevator glance around walk towards the secretary she smiles pointed to the door. Take a deep breath knock, the door opens. "Summer, I am glad you came." Smiling at him he gestures me to a seat hands me a file without even talking or any explanation to why he wanted me to come, but looking at the file it all came to light. 

Not hesitating for a minute, pick the pen up sign the divorce papers without thinking about anything. He smiles. "There is no reason why you and Scott should stay married with the sale of the florist shop." Shake my head to what he said, how the hell would he know the shop had been sold? I had only just come from the estate agents, taking the offer that had been offered. 

If he had anything to do with this, which is more than likely, all he had to do is ask I would have signed. Wat a dirty trick to play. Stand stepped to the door. "It would be better if you have no contact with my son at all." Nod my head, he really had no idea that I hated his son for what he had done plus for the way he treated women. Smiled leave with my head held high knowing I had been free once again.

Stepped towards the elevator to wait for the door to open when Scott steps outta the private one. He stops looks at me with a surprised expression. "Summer, what the hell are you doing here?" Shrug my shoulders, he places his hands in his back trouser pockets. "Thought you had things to take care off?" He looked at me baffled waiting for me to give him an explanation, so I looked at him told him the truth.

"No, just signed the divorce papers." Step into the elevator he stops the door from closing, creasing his brows looks confused with what I had told him.

"What?" He sounds shocked for what I had said to him. "That is news to me." He shakes his head looks at his father's office door. "He fucking, had no right." Well, Scott is irate with what his father had done, he sounds like he had no idea what the hell is going on. "Summer, I had nothing to do with this.." He pleads to try to get me to believe him. 

He really did not have to justify to me that he knew nothing. Laughing at him, move his hand the door closes. It makes no odds to me if we are married or not, we hate each other. Could not wait to celebrate being divorced. The marriage lasted a couple of months, he had his fun, his game but he could never live by the rules.


Sitting on the porch of the house with a cup in my hand drinking tea watching the sun go down figuring out what to do next with my life. If the house gets sold I would need to find somewhere to live, so I might as well start looking tomorrow, but not in town. Look far away from here. 

Sip my tea while it got dark looked over to my father's shed smiled stood walked back into the house locking the door have a shower get in bed fall asleep. Wake in the morning had a quick shower grab a cup of tea outta the door drive to the next city to find somewhere to live.

Walked around the city looked at one room bedsits plus a few jobs which one is a live-in sitter for a guy's two-year-old down syndrome daughter. His daughter took to me right away which shocked him. "Jazz does not normally like many people but, she likes you." Smiled at Mr Jordan Greener he holds his daughter on his lap while she played with my hands making me smile. "This job is live in; you get every other Saturday off plus every Wednesday off. If you think you can help fill my daughter's needs? I will higher you." He looks at his daughter smiles with love.

"I am up for the challenge." He smiles shakes my hand shows me to the door. "Will see you in a week." Stepped out the door feel happy with myself for finding a job. Slide back in my car drive home start to pack my stuff while smiling to myself. Could not wait to be outta this town away from Scott and his family, his sister is the only one with a heart.


S C O T T     P O V

Walked into my father's office asking him to explain what the hell is going on. He sits up staring at me. "Scott, the game is over." His voice is full of hatred for what reason though? Stared at him while I place my hands on his desk he pushes his chair out stands tall shaking his head. "Do you think, your mother and I have not heard what is being said about her?" His tone is so harsh towards her. 

But I wanted to know what he thinks he heard, shake my head at him. "Oh, we heard plenty about her, how she sleeps around with any guy. How she has a name for herself." I burst out laughing which makes my father step back, slides his hands in his pockets. "Scott, this is no laughing matter. She is giving this family a name. Now sign the papers, the deal is off. I purchased the shop just to get her outta our family." He throws the file at me. 

Make a fist with what he had said about Summer, could not believe he had got her to sign. Opened the file look at her signature on the line in black ink. My rage building for what he had done.

"You made her sign, without telling her why she had to sign?" His smirk says it all. "Dad, it is you that have got it all wrong. This is nothing to do with Summer. It is me with the name, me Scott Delanti. Ask Anita she will tell you what I am like." He shakes his head taking his hand combing his fingers through his short grey hair. "You really know nothing about your own children. For another thing I will not sign that, not until you tell Summer the truth, explain to her why you wanted her to sign it. She deserves more respect than that. For another thing, she has only ever been with one other guy besides me." Spit my words at him with rage he stares at me with his thoughts of him thinking he knows better. 

He only had to ask me or even talk to me first but no he could not even do that right. He could not even protect his own daughter from a guy that made her so, scared to even look in the mirror. 

My parents have no idea, they just hear what they want to believe, but they are not listening to the truth... Stepped towards the door opened it, turn to look at him. "You better put this right." Leave slamming the door so the entire office floor shook, everyone looked at me while I stormed back to the elevator. Pushed the button the doors open step in push the button for the lobby. Now I need to find Summer to sort this fucking mess out. 







Arranged MarriageTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon