phone call

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Requested by Catwoman765

Third Person P.O.V

In a school classroom students were taking a test and all phones were on a table in the front of the classroom that once you finish your test you put your test were your phone was

Anyways a student with brown fluffy hair and chocolate brown eyes got up and walked to the table this students name was Peter Parker who was know as the adorable nerd among the females tho none of the guys knew unless they were somewhat gay

The chocolate eyed peter placed his test on the table and picked up his phone before walking back to his seat but his phone starting to ring causing everyone to look at him making him freeze as he looked at the phone

The phone was on mute and he knew that meaning it could only be tony calling his phone which was either to annoy, embarrass or tony needed help "well answer the phone parker" the teacher said making peter sigh

"Im in class and you on speakerphone so what do you want" peter asked annoyed "do you know where my Machine for whatever the name of the invention we were working on last night is?" he asked "Top right drawer of the dark blue work desk in my lab" peter sighed "thank you I thought I lost it and friday wasnt replying" tony said "I took it so you wouldnt lose it and I was updating fridays coding so she should be up and running in about two or threeish hours" Peter said as he sat back down at his desk

"you shouldve told me but thanks and bye" Tony said "I did and bye" peter said before tony hung up "sorry hes a idiot" he said before everyone went back to what they were doing

*the next day*

I was sitting on some monkey bars in my suit as I watched people line up for today since it was sports day which was where every avenger managed some type of workout area so you could come and see avengers while doing some random workout and got some sort of prize like at a carnival

I laughed as I sat thor fall into the water pit "PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE GOT THAT ON CAMERA" I yelled as the others were also laughing "WE DID" I heard as people in line yelled "IF YOU CAUGHT THAT ON VIDEO SEND IT TO ME" I yelled to them as I took out my phone

"HOW DID YOU GET YOUR PHONE" tony yelled as he saw it making me freeze "I DIDNT" I yelled hiding my phone "LIARRRR" he yelled coming towards me so I quickly jumped down and ran away from him

"PETER GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE" he yelled making me freeze for a second before running again and hiding "WAIT SPIDERMANS NAME IS PETER" someone yelled "well shit" I whispered

"oh shit" I heard tony say as I guess he realized what he did but I sighed before walking to him "what do we do?" I asked "well we could say your name is peter stark and not anything else" he said "fine but you are so get pranked this week" I said "thats fair" he agreed before we walked to the crowd

"ALRIGHT SILENCE" he yelled and they shut up "alright so yes my name is peter but you arent going to find me since I use different names in public" I said "are you starks son?" someone asked "nah but I may be his nephew" I smirked before we both walked away "really?" the others asked "yup now dont say anything about the subject" I said and they nodded

then the day started and everyone just ignored any question about me

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora