you have a what sword now part 2

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Peters P.O.V

I woke up and took a shower before drying off as I walked to my closet and groaned as I saw combat pants, ripped jeans, leather jackets, suits, muscle shirts, plaids "fri who touched my closet" I asked

"bucky was dared by tony and steve" she replied and I rolled my eyes before put on black boxers, black combat pants, white muscle shirt with a leather jacket before grabbing shoes that had skulls on them and put them on before grabbing my stuff and heading to grab a snack

"morning" I said grabbing a apple "morning" nat, steve, and bucky replied (tho bucky watched me) before I went to the elevator and down to the garage to grab a motorcycle out cause why not do the whole look "oh yea fri tell bucky that he is safe" I said putting on a helmet that covered my whole head and face

"he said thanks and asked if you wanted to help pick out a pet with him and nat later" fri said "hm tell him sure" I said starting up the motorcycle and heading to the entrance "done have a good day peter" fri said as I left the building and headed towards the school

I parked the motorcycle and turned it off as the people who were outside stared making me chuckle as I put the keys in my pocket before heading to the entrance keeping my helmet on cause why not "hey loser whats with the new outfit" mj asked lowly as she walked next to me

"bucky had changed all my outfits out because steve and tony had dared him to" I answered in the same low voice "so you decided to go full out" she asked "yup" I answered "got it" she said before walking away as I walked to my locker and took off my helmet as I started to unlock my locker making people gasp

"woah whats with the new look?" ned asked as he appeared next to me "bucky switched my stuff cause of a dare from steve and tony" I said glancing over at him as I put my stuff away and got the stuff for class out "ah that makes sense" he nodded

"yea but I like the shoes the best" I said and he looked down "same" he replied "anyways you want to come over after school?" he added "love too but cant cause I dont know when nat, bucky and me are gonna head to get a pet" I said as I closed my locker and we head to his "ok also pet?" he asked and I nodded before explaining

(I havent looked over this so it wll probably be reedited)

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now