im just a kid part 2 (short)

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This is gonna be a wholesome chapter
Villain levels
level 1 - not dangerous/cops can easily get them 2-3 cops needed
level 2 - sorta dangerous/slightly hard for cops to get need 5-6 cops
level 3 - dangerous/hard to get 10-12 cops
level 4 - highly dangerous/super hard to get 18-19 cops without hero, 15-16 cops with a hero
level 5 - extremely dangerous/4-5 heros needed or full cop force

Unknown level 3 POV -rewind-

I stared at spidermans unmasked face before disappearing towards the meeting lair as I took out my phone 'meet at lair hurry news cant wait' I texted and waited for everyone to arrive

"what news couldnt wait" a level 1 asked asked "Spiderman is in the hospital but I saw his unmasked face" I said and waited for them to absorb the information "well who is he" a level 3 asked "I wont say and the reason being he couldnt be older then 17" I said as I looked around watching their faces

"spiderman is a TEEN!" a level 4 half yelled in shock "yeah and there is no way that spidey is out of school unless he dropped out" I said "alright here is what is gonna happen if spidey stops any of you then you are to not fight unless needed also who ever is the first to meet with spidey explain that we are not going to fight a teen unless needed" a level 5 explained

"also see if you can befriend him spidey is a great hero for just being a teen and might be able to help if we arent doing anything wrong" another level 5 added making us nod "alright then meeting is done but keep everyone updated on if you talk to spidey" I said and everyone nodded before leaving but the 3 level 5s stayed

"you arent going to release his identity right?" the one that hadnt talked yet asked "no way he is just a kid I wont do that" I said "good but can you try to keep a eye out for him and see if you can tell us how he is doing until he is healed?" the first asked since I was one of the only ones to work at a hospital "sure" I smiled

"good then we will be going keep us updated if you can" the second asked "of course" I said and they left "what have I gotten myself into" I asked myself before checking the time and saw I had to get to the hospital

-fast forward to day peter is out-

I smiled as I watched the boy leave before opening up my phone and calling the 3 level 5s "what news do you have for us?" the first asked "he just left the hospital so spiderman might be spotted sometime this week" I said "great anything else?" the third asked "nope and I have to go so bye" I said before hanging up and heading back to work

Peter POV

I glanced at the doctor as he left 'wonder who he was talking to' I thought before shrugging and headed home "May?" I called as I walked into the house "PETER YOUR OUT" she yelled from what I think was her bedroom as she came running down and hugged me since she hasnt been able to see me alot

"yup but still have to take it easy for another few days" I smiled hugging back "come on movie time then" she smiled "YES" I grinned sitting on the couch and enjoying the movie time

-5 days later-

I stood on a building in a suit before grinning and jumping off before shooting a web and swinging around town enjoying all the happy yells and similar before I saw a level 3 waving at me from a roof before heading inside of the building

'well nothing is telling me it's dangerous sooo' I thought before swinging over to the rooftop and landing and slowly walked towards the door but stopped a little bit away "I know you are just inside come out" I said and waited a few before I heard the villain start to move and they came out with their arms up

"I dont want any trouble" they said and I just crossed my arms "I just wanted to talk and thought that was a easy way" they explained and I nodded "why did you want to talk?" I asked as I realized it was the doc from the hospital

"ok so please dont hurt me but I have seen your face and know your a teen and told the others that you are a teen but not who or what you look like" they explained "ok more details now" I said "I was there when you hit the ground and saw your face and then told the others that you are just a teen and so we all came to a agreement that we wouldnt fight you" They explained fast before taking a breathe

"we will fight you if needed but wont otherwise and we were also wondering if we could be sometype of friends since we really are only villains since we enjoy it and since we are trying to show the corrupt cops and heros" they explained "hm ok I will probably want more details and stuff later but sure we can be friends as long as we leave the villain and hero sides on the side" I said

"really?!?" they asked in shock "I know you have been watching me and I have heard your talks over the phone and know you are telling the truth but sorry about this" I said before hitting them with a knock out dart that will make them sleep for 10 mins

I caught them before they hit the ground and gently layed them down as I also wrote a note before heading back to the house "may you arent gonna believe this" I said as soon as I walked inside

50% chance I will do a part 3 and 50% chance I wont

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now