Zoom call (shorter)

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Backstory: peter is on a zoom call with his class since everyone is quarantine and some people aka idiots are annoying him

🕸Peter's P.O.V🕸

i woke up with a yawn and looked at the time and saw it was 8 so i had less then a hour till the stupid zoom call so i got up to take a shower since it wakes me up

*10 minutes later*

I put on some shorts and a tank top before setting up my laptop before walking out of the room to grab food

*half a hour later*

I walked back into the room eating a apple but stopped as i saw Sam at my laptop and before i could stop him bucky grabbed and held my hands behind my back and then clint dumped water on me and then sam was doing something on my laptop since he was talking

"YOU GUYS ARE FLIPPIN DEAD" I growled glaring at them as I got out of buckys grip and yeeted both him and clint into the hall and took off my now soaking wet shirt and tossed it over in a corner

I turned around and looked towards sam with a glare "get off my laptop and get out of my room" I said before stepping towards him making him literally run so fast out of the room before I slammed the door shut

I went over to my mini fridge and grabbed a pop/soda out and opened it before walking over to my laptop to see what sam messed with and saw it was on the zoom call "SAM,BUCKY AND CLINT YOUR DEAD" I yelled after muting my mic "fri activate mad pete mode on sam, bucky and clint please" i said

"sure thing trickster" fri said as i turned back to the zoom call before unmuting myself "sorry about that" i said before remuting it as screams could be heard for a sec

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now