special binders part 2

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Pe tree rs (I tried typing peter and tha ted what happened cause my phone dislikes me and yes I know that I spelt words wrong) P.O.V

"this will be your room and we can go tomorrow to get stuff for you" I said as I opened the door to the guest bedroom that was next to my room which was going to be made into zoeys room "really?" she asked as she walked into the room gasping at the size of it

"yeah and then my room is the room next door" I said and she nodded as she looked around the room "well how about we get to know each other since we have some time before dinner" I said "okie" she said sitting down on the bed and I sat down next to her

"ok I had a question about what you said earlier and was wondering do you know why your parents didnt want you" I asked gently "well I think its because I wanted to wear dresses, grow out my hair and be called zoey instead" she said looking down

"wait instead?" I asked slightly confused but starting to get a idea "my name was zayn but it made me feel uncomfortable when people called me it" she said glancing up at me as I studied her "did you used to be a boy?" I asked gently as opened my arms so that if she wanted a hug I would be able to give her one

"yeah" she whispered as she moved into the hug and I pulled her closer as she cried "its okay" I whispered as I comforted her and waited for her to calm down "you dont hate me right?" she asked quietly as she backed slightly away "why would I hate you" I asked as I let her go slightly so she could move away if wanted

"because I was born as a boy not a girl" she said looking down "just because you were born in the wrong body doesnt matter to me your zoey, my new little sister wait- you are a girl right and I havent been misgendering you the whole time?" I asked a bit worried I has been misgendering her making her giggle a little

"yes im a girl" she giggled and I let out a exaggerated sigh of relief and pretended to wipe the nonexistent sweat off my forehead "glad I havent been misgendering you" I said "and I tell you a secret I was also born in the wrong body" I stage whispered making her gasp in shock

"really??" she asked "yeah I was born a girl and know what its like but I was lucky to have my parents since they were so supportive it was sometimes embarrassing" I laughed making her smile "where are your parents?" she asked "they passed away when I was around your age" I said sadly "oh im sorry" she said

"nothing to be sorry for" I said as I wiped a tear that escaped my eyes "they were actually my inspiration for making the stuff for people who were under the trans umbrella" I said smiling "really also whats a trans umbrella?" she asked 'right only 6' I thought "ok imma try to explain in a way that should make sense" I said "ok" she said

"so the trans umbrella is for people that dont really identify with the gender they are born as, like im a trans male and you are a trans female" I paused to see if she understood and she nodded "well there are two main sections the binary section and the nonbinary section, we fall under the binary section since male and female are binary genders" I explained and waited for her to nod

"the nonbinary section would be genders that fall outside the binary like someone who is genderfluid which is when someones gender changes overtime like one could wake up a male and then be female later in the day" I explained and she nodded "any questions?" I asked "what are the different genders" she asked

"uh how about we just search the genders up" I said getting up "alright" she laughed also getting up as I walked to my room with her following "woah" she gasped as she entered my room "cool right" I laughed as I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed while she layed down next to me "now genders" I said before we started to see what different gender identities there were

"hey pete- whos this?" a voice asked and I looked up "hey nat this is my new sister zoey, zoey this is nat she is one of the people who helped create the trans stuff" I said so she knew that nat was supportive "hello ms nat" zoey grinned and I let out a choked laugh as she said that "definitely your sister" nat muttered "hello zoey and please no ms" she said

"alright ms. nat" zoey said innocently making nat shake her head but I could see a smile on her face "come on its dinner time" nat said "ok" we both said as I shut my laptop and we both got up and followed nat "so when did you get a sister? cause I know you didnt have one this morning" nat questioned "I might of sorta met her at the event and then adopted her" I said innocently

"of course you did" nat rolled her eyes "now zoey once you get older ill teach you self defense" she added looking down at zoey as we neared the kitchen

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now