not the same or are we (unfinished)

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random warnin

Parkers POV (idk why I did parker instead of peter)

my vision went black for a few seconds as I hit the ground hard before slowly moving to stand up "give up spider cause im not stopping until I get my revenge on this city" the villain said

"ha your a idiot if you think I will backdown" I laughed as I lifted my mask a bit so I could spit out the blood in my mouth "you know since I heard about you I started admiring how you fight until you cant" the villain said reloading their gun

"well what can I say I dont care if I die but I do if innocents do" I said reloading my web shooters and secretly pulled out the hidden knife I always had on me "if I wasnt a villain wanting revenge I would probably be a vigilante like you" villain said "well you can stop right now and do whats right" I said as I dodged the bullets

"ah but I want revenge to much spidey surely you understand" they said getting a shot on my left thigh and right arm "maybe I do but doesnt mean you can harm innocents just because someone wronged you" I said tightly as I webbed up my wounds and continued to get closer

"ah you may be right but oh how good it is to hear then scream in pain and cry for help" they said with a twisted grin "your sick" I said punching them as I got close enough "maybe but I grew up knowing pain everyday so maybe they deserve it" they laughed shooting my right arm again making me let out a noise of pain

"or maybe your just a fuckin psycho cause look at me im still a hero even though Ive been bullied abused and so much more all before I turned 14" I laughed punching them in the face "spidey having the life of many villains ha you lie" they said as they hit the ground "why would I lie" I asked knocking them unconscious

"maybe im a villain, maybe im a hero or maybe im both but who would know my face is always hidden" I laughed slightly as I webbed the villain up and left a note for the cops as I started to hear sirens getting closer so I swung away from the area

I landed at my abandoned warehouse and closed the doors after I walked in and hit a button allowing the shields to be turned on "god that villain could shoot" I groaned as I pulled my mask off and hit the logo making the suit fall to the ground and revealing the wounds

I put my suit in a bucket of water before taking a shower to wash everything off me before wrapping a towel around my waist as I turned on the tv and started to bandage my wounds "Breaking news hints of spidermans past?" sounded from the tv making me pause and turn up the volume before continuing to bandage the wounds

"videos from spidermans latest fight revealed some horrific information about his past" the news reporter said before the clip of me talking was shown "as heard by the clip spiderman revealed he had been bullied and abused before he was even 14 and even said that there was more to add" news reporter said "fuck" I whispered

"now another thing he revealed was that because he always wore a mask no one would be able to tell if he was a villain or hero and I got to say that scares me" reporter said

heres a little sneakpeek of a chapter since I havent had any inspiration to write

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя