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-peter has the spiderbite but is also a born werecheetah
-He is nat's son but his father is unknown
-He lives in the tower with everyone and everyone in the tower loves him and his class takes a field trip there but peter cant go since he has to train
-italic underlined is peter singing
-a bit of swear words

🐆Peters P.O.V/ some will be in third person🐆

I was working out in the training room with
cemetery blasting and me singing along but what I didnt know was that friday was playing video of me in the intern labs and was live streaming on youtube

"in the dead of night nobody near you nothing, no light make it fight or flight all the end of the day things dont feel right" I sang as I backflipped over a hurdle as friday kept doing my training thingy unknown to everything happening around me

"meet me here tonight in the darkness of this moonlit park i could be your bride but i cant promise i wont break your heart"

the tour group which happened to be his class (not that he knew) stood in the mirror thingy watching him with the room soundproof when someone was training

"monsters calling hearing them talking waiting down here for you meet me in the cemetery get it in your head where its gonna end meet me in the cemetery get it in your head" I sang as I back flipped and took my shirt off that was covered in sweat midair before going back to fighting everyone was impressed that he was fighting while singing beautifully

some people were filming him and he was still working out "Mr. Parkour Master your mother says its time to eat lunch" friday said scaring me a little "tell her im on my way after I shower and change" I said and turned around as my music turned off before freezing as I saw my classmates "you know what im out im to hungry for this shit" I said

grabbing my water bottle and shirt as
everyone was looking at my body since I only had low hanging shorts on since I use them to train and I walked away towards the elevator to go up to my room and shower "cap says language peter" friday said laughing a bit since she has emotions too

"tell cap to shove it up his ass" I said as the doors opened and cap walked out with his hair colored like a rainbow and his skin was also rainbow "YOUR DEAD" he yelled as he ran towards me I just ran and climbed the rock wall and jumping up on to a short rope that hung from the ceiling and climbing to the ceiling and siting on a beam since uncle steve has never been able to get up here

"bye uncle stevie" I said as I climbed into the vents that uncle clint opened for me and high fived me before he shut them and we started laughing before I went to my room and took a shower and used my speed to change and go to the kitchen and sit down in under 5 minutes and looked at mom as she gave me a glare for scaring her "sorry mom" I said getting up and hugging her

"its fine and love what you did with steves hair and skin" she said "also a tour group is spending the night and having dinner with us" she added and I groaned before eating and going to my lab and working on my suit and continued to sing but this time to hot girl bummer

"fuck you and you and you~
I hate your friends and they hate me too
im through, im through, im through
this that hot girl bummer anthem
turn it up and throw a tantrum" he sang as he blasted music and again friday saved it and showed people it

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora