PAN?!? short

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-Flash has wings like the ones in the picture but black with crimson red smoke and crimson red magic
-Peter has wings like the ones in the picture but black with red smoke and red magic
-Wanda has wings like the ones in the picture but black with ruby red smoke and ruby red magic
-All of there last names are Pan
-Real parents are unknown since they left them at the orphanage
-There all biological siblings

🐾Peters P.O.V🐾

me and Flash were flying around New York at night time laughing and having a great time before we went back to the tower we were gonna ask Wanda if she wanted to come with us to never-land tomorrow since she is like our sister we all never want to grow old so when we were 16 we stayed that young

anyways me and Flash flew into our room and made our wings disappear before going to look for Wanda forgetting that we had to put shirts on we walked towards her room and "hey Wanda its us can we come in" I asked "yea doors unlocked" she said and we walked in and closed the door locking it and looked at her and we all let our wings out

"we wanted to know if you want to come with us to never-land" Flash asked "yea I want to come we havent been there in forever" Wanda said floating up a but and siting down in the air me and flash doing the same "I know so we thought we all could go for a fly and see what hooks been up to" I said and we all laughed since last we saw him the croc was after him

"so lets get some sleep then we can go in the morning" Flash said floating down and standing me and Wanda do the same "ok night bros" she said going to her bed "night sis" we both said walking out and to our room


🐾Peters/ Third person P.O.V🐾

we all woke up and got changed I was wearing black and red shorts with a black and red katana on my back, a black and red knife on my arm and one on my ankle.

Flash had the same weapons but in black and crimson red with black and crimson red basketball shorts.

Wanda had the same weapons but black and ruby red with black and ruby red basketball shorts and a black and ruby red sports bra

we all met up in my lab before we left a note and let our wings out and flew towards the star to take us to Neverland we were all laughing and hiting each other with magic

that was what new york saw in the morning three figures with wings that were almost the same color and were hitting each other with almost the same colored magic and that was new york headlines everywhere and a picture of the three


🐾Back to Peter and them🐾

they flew into neverland and flew around the lost boys and everyone saw them and cheered and the three flew down to the stage that had been made for when they have a announcement

after everyone was there peter walked forward "we are back and will be for 3 nights and we have some new tech that can help us create a video chat when we are in the other world so are you excited" peter half yelled since it was a big crowd and everyone cheered

peter stepped back and flash stepped up "so as everyone knows we come back and forth to new york and we decided-" flash said before looking at wanda and she stepped up next to him and peter stepped up next to the two

"that we want to give you a chance to go to" wanda said pausing before looking at peter to continue making everyone edge forward to know what they were saying

"NEW YORK AND STARK INDUSTRIES" peter screamed and everyone cheered since everyone had phones and stuff from SI but they had never been there

"KIDS AND TEENS WHO EVER DOESNT WANT TO BE HERE FOR A WEEK STAND ON THE STAIRS" wanda yelled and 10 kids and 15 teens ran up there since there were 20 kids, 30 teens and 40 adultish teens

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now