peter stark part 2

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its a bit short cause im trying to update aton of chapters

*a week later*

Peters P.O.V

I yawned as my alarm went off making me shut it off before groaning as I realized I couldnt sleep cause of school "greattttt" I groaned before lifting myself out of bed and slowly walked to the bathroom

*after he takes a shower*

I walked out of the bathroom and went to my closet before changing into grey washed out ripped jeans, a half tight band shirt and a jean jacket before putting on grey converses and walking out of my room still half asleep

"morning" I said as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some food and sat down "morning pete" everyone said as they looked at me as I ate "can someone take me to school cause im to tired to take my bike" I yawned

"ill take you" nat said before anyone else could "thanks nat" I said as we both got up and walked to the elevator to go to the garage

*after they get a motorcycle and nat drives him to school*

"thanks auntie nat" I yawned getting off the bike "np bye pete" she said getting ready to drive off before pausing and grabbing something out of her bag "here can you give this to your friend mj" she asked handing me something

I grabbed the box nodding as she unpaused and got ready to drive off but gave me a hug before doing so

I yawned walking into the school and towards my locker before someone put a hand on my shoulder and me still being half asleep got scared and punched them

"flash im so sorry are you okay" I asked after seeing who it was as everyone in the hallway stopped and stared since flash was on the ground coughing "y-yea" he coughed "geez loser at least you didnt hit him with all your strength" a voice said making me almost punch punch them but froze mid punch

"true also can you not do that guys and here nat told me to give this to you and im pretty sure I know what this is so dont open it at school" I said handing mj a box before I helped flash up "sorry bro" I said

"your fine but at least your awake now" he joked as I yawned stretching before punching his shoulder gently "hey stop punching me" he pouted "hurry up losers class starts soon" mj said after putting the box in their bag

*after school ned had left them alone all day*

"you guys coming with me today or no?" I asked "I cant sorry pete" mj said before they had to go cause their parent was calling them "yea I really dont wanna go home today and im also not allowed till tomorrow" flash said

"okay well come on" I said before pulling him towards the car before we both got in and started to talk about what movie to watch

*in his room*

I tossed my bag near my desk and floppes down onto my bed as I heard flash put his bag down before siting on one of the many beanbags in my room

see my room has beanbags, hammocks, pillows, blankets, posters on the wall, a mirror, a wall in closet which its doors are covered in stickers, a desk, a movie area it has alot of stuff

"so what movie" I asked as I got up and sat down on a hammock as I turned on the tv "hmm what about main event, 6 underground, snow day, middle school the worst years of my life, sharkboy and lavagirl, or maybe radio rebel" he said looking up towards where I was

"hmm lets watch 6 underground then middle school the worst years of my life then we can decide what to watch" I said and he nodded

*around three and an half hours later*

I yawned as I got off the hammock and layed on a beanbag falling asleep since it was more comfy then a hammock and flash was asleep in the beanbag he was laying on

*when peter wakes up*

I yawned as I woke up and looked around and saw that flash was still sleeping since it was 7 so I decided to go take a shower forgetting to grab clothes and walked into the bathroom

*after he finished showering*

I looked into the mirror as I ran a hand through my hair "flippen heck I forgot to grab clothes dang it im hoping flash is still asleep tho" I mutter before rewrapping the towel around me so it was tighter before exiting the bathroom and walking towards my closet not realizing flash had woke up who most definitely didnt have a bright red face

I walked into the closet and shut the doors and looked around before changing into some boxers and ripped jeans before also getting a sleeveless shirt on and walking out and saw flash was up "you hungry?" I asked walking over and grabbing my phone "yea" he said

we both walked out of my room and went to get some food and was just having a fun day

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now