they have been found

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Mystery P.O.V (Them = 14, Peter = 18)

I sat curled up in the corner as I heard screaming then silence 'another killed' I thought as I tried to block out of the noise of the footsteps getting closer to my door

It was my turn and I knew I would survive seeing as they had mixed random things together and then made me drink it and have tried to clone it but havent been successful other then me

The door was yanked open "Come on mistake" The guard said and I got up knowing it would be worse if I didnt and walked towards them with my head down and arms to my sides as they put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me towards the lab

*hours later*

I was tossed into my cell and I stayed still "I wish I could see you again brother" I whispered closing my eyes as I made my wish before falling asleep in pain not hearing the explosions or screaming

*when they wake up*

I started waking up but didnt open my eyes as I felt I was on a soft bed? and I heard voices before I heard the door open "Why did you keep this from me" the voice growled and I could feel like I knew who it was but didnt

"Because he been unconscious for a month" a voice replied "That doesnt mean You can keep my brother from me" the voice said coldy and I realized how I knew that voice and opened my eyes as I turned towards them

"B-bi-g b-br-o" I said in a whisper my voice cracking and harsh making them all look at me but I just stared at him "Axel?" he said before running and hugging not caring about the people trying to stop him "i-im n-not dr-dre-eam-ing r-rig-ht?" I asked hugging him with as much strength as I could as I feel him do the same

"no baby bro you arent" He said and I started to cry I got my big bro back "dont worry axe no one is gonna hurt you again" he whispered as he sat on the bed next to me and I curled up into his side hugging him like I would lose him as I fell asleep

*peter fell asleep a bit after axel so when they wake up*

I yawned as I woke up "morning axel" a voice said I smiled "morning peter" I said siting up as I looked to where he was doing homework "so I have to get to school soon and im guessing you dont want to be alone so you got three options" he said

"first you stay here and talk to the others, second you can come to school with me or third I skip and we can go around the city and get you some new clothes" he said and I thought them over before smiling "Third" I said

"*fake dramatic sigh of relief* I was hoping you would pick that" he laughed and I joined in before we got up "come on lets get you to my room and to get some new clothes for today" he said and I nodded

*at the mall*

"where shall we go" he asked and I looked at him like he was stupid "wha-oh wait nvm" He said dumbly making me hide a chuckle "shush you" he huffed and I laughed "Dummyyyyyy" I laughed before running off as he tried to get me

I ran into a store called 'hot topic' and stopped "woah" I said as I looked around as peter walked in "come lets get you some stuff from here" he said and I nodded and followed him

*after a while they are walking around the city and happy had picked up what they bought*

"Im still happy your back and alive" peter said as we walked down the sidewalk "me too I missed you alot" I said "hey wait come on you need to meet my friends" he said and I shrugged "race?" I asked and he nodded before we both took off I was behind him a little since I didnt know where we were going

I saw a school and saw peter heading towards it so I ran ahead of him "HOWWWWW" he yelled racing after me "CAUSE YOUR SLOW" I yelled back as I jumped the fence and raced to the stairs before looking back at him "I win" I smirked

"oh yea" he said before picking up me and yeeting me on the grass "Rude" I laughed getting up as the bell rung "so what are your friends names?" I asked as I watched people walk past all giving us weird looks "ned and mj" he said

"cool" I said as I saw two teens start to walk towards us one a male and one female "is that them?" I asked and he looked to where I was looking and smiling "yup come on" he grinned and walked towards them and I followed "hey guys" he said doing a weird handshake with the male

"hey pete whos this?" the female asked "oh this is my little brother Axel" he said and I looked at them "hey im mj and this is ned" she said "hullo mj and ned" I said "hey how come I never knew you had a bother" ned pouted "cause I was kidnapped and their memories of me eased" I joked looking down

"I like this one" mj said "thats good right?" I asked looking up again at them "yup" pete said

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now