airforce part 2 (short)

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Peter is nat's son and he has been visiting his auntie carol and uncle rhodes and hasn't been at school for the last week as he has been at the airforce base training and spending time with his auntie and uncle, Peter is Spider-Man and has the ability to copy superpowers from a accident and peters class takes a field trip to the airforce base and see Peter bad thing is they are spending the night at the base and leaving the next day at lunch so let's see what happens

Last chapter review

"now can we train" I asked auntie carol and she laughed and nodded and she flew up into the sky using her powers and I copied it and we had fun and safe to say I wasn't bullied again

Peters P.O.V

I flew up into the air after her as I threw a glitter bomb into the air as she did a loop and flew right into it "PETER" she yelled making me laugh before flying off as she followed me

"OH LOOK AT THE TIME HAVE TO GO BYE" I yelled before flying to the ground and using pietros super speed to get away from her before stopping at the school field before looking at my phone as it went off

"oh no, oh no, oh no" I said as I saw the tracker was on and thats when I heard auntie carol "Oh no" I said as I slowly turned around and looked up "AHHHHHHHH" I yelled as I saw a plasma ball thingy flying at me

I dodged it before running towards the school "DONT KILL MEEEEEEEE" I yelled as I ran into the gym and saw a class "Sup ned oh hey mj" I said still running across the gym and got to the doors as auntie carol came in

"sup petey" both said before I opened the door and ran down the halls before jumping into a random classroom and getting out of view I sat on the floor as I waited for her to pass which she did so I got up before turning off the tracker on my phone

"good she bought it" I said before stretching as I turned and looked at the class in the classroom "sup guys who im guessing are freshman im peter parker and I should be running now" I said as I heard auntie come back

so I walked over to the window and started to open it "what are you doing now peter?" the teacher sighed "climbing out the window duh" I said before yeeting out the window as auntie walked into the room "BYE" I yelled and used the super speed to run and hide

"PETERRRRRR" auntie yelled as she climbed out of the window but couldnt find me

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now