overprotective peter

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His eyes can glow bright red also he has fangs


I was walked down to the business meeting that aunt pepper was in since she forgot some papers and asked for me to bring them down "hey" I greeted some of the interns and workers that passed "hey mini boss" they greeted back

I got to the meeting room but paused as I listened to someone talking through the open door "why dont you leave the business to us sweetheart since we all know you are probably just another slut of tonys" that made my blood boil as I walked in with a glare

"I better not have heard that correctly" I said glaring at the person talking as I walked over to aunt pepper "hey pete its nothing im used to this" she said which only made it worse "Used. To. This.?" I asked slowly and she realized what was about to happen

"no blood" she said backing up and the people who knew me either by meeting me or the rumors backed up leaving a few guys who were on the beerbody size "kid Go somewhere else this is for adults" he said rolling his eyes "then why are you here you clearly arent a adult" I asked crossing my arms as I walked towards him and inwardly smirked as I realized I was taller

"you should respect your elders you ignorant child" he said standing up even straighter "oh sorry I thought you were a toddler with how you are acting" I said rolling my eyes "how dare you" he said before smacking me well trying at least

"oh that did it" I said as I showed off my fangs "You better start running and hope I dont catch you" I hissed walking forwards as he stumbled backwards as he realized who I was and ran "Now if anyone thinks that aunt pepper isnt a bad ass bitch who can rule the world with a few others then you better run" I said but none moved

"good now if I hear even a single bad word about auntie from your mouths you better hope I cant find you" I said before walking and hugging aunt pepper "also heres the papers and imma head out" I said as my fangs went dull but still sharp

"ok thanks and bye pete" she laughed as I walked out and headed up to my room to grab my bag before heading to school "Cya" I called before entering the elevator and going to the lobby "morning" I said waving to the guards and front desk person

I waited infront of mjs house for her to come out "morning pete" she said walking out "mornin" I grinned as we headed to the school "scare anyone?" she asked as she grabbed her book out and started to read "yup made them run" I laughed

"good job" she said and we walked in silence before a guy cat whistled to mj while blocking our path "mind moving sir?" I asked a bit annoyed that he continued to block us even when we tried to go around and he was looking mj up and down "I do seeing as I think I might take this fine girl back to my house to have some fun" he said creepily and I stepped infront of her

"you have to get past me first so I wouldnt try" I said and he laughed "oh please do you see yourself your just a weak skinny wimp who I can easily beat up so just go on your away and let me have some fun with this gorgeous toy" he said trying to push me away but I didnt move

"ooh sorry wrong words" I said letting my fangs out as I also allowed venom to drip from them perks of being part spider "I would run before it turns bad" I said as I made a creepy face with a creepy laugh "oh please" he said pushing away his fear and tried to push me down onto the sidewalk

"I warned you" I grinned before allowing my eyes to be red and I punched him in the jaw with enough of my strength to knock him out and break it "night night fcukhead" I grinned as my eyes turned normal and fangs disappeared

"really?" mj asked "yup" I said as we stepped around him and continued to school "so overprotective" she laughed shaking her head "of course" I grinned

might edit later

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum