yeah sorry not sorry

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Hehe sooo uhhhhh immma do another of my trauma cause I keep thinking of it
so uh warning of alot


It was a beautiful day making me I smile as I rode my bike over to aunt mays workplace (not a nurse) to drop off her lunch and something else she forgot so I texted I was near

I locked my bike in place before walking into the building to find aunt may waiting near the lobby and hugged her and talked for a few as I gave her the stuff before waving bye as I walked back outside and got on my bike

I rode over to the main street to cross before the street was cleared so I decided to go not bothering to look at the signs 'stupid mistake' I started to cross the street before glancing to the right and saw a car coming and I knew I didnt have time to get out of the way

everything turned black before I was woke slightly laying on the ground and nearly screamed as I moved to sit up as pain filled my body making me freeze as I didnt know what was happening, my mind unthinking thanks to the pain

"PETER" I heard being screamed and realized that was my name and I know that voice "'ay?" I questioned voice filled with pain and I left out a wince it hurt to talk "oh peter" she said as I slightly opened my eyes barely able to see her as I slightly reached out my left hand as I smiled

"I okay" I smiled hiding the wince of pain before everything went black away "here put this under his head" a voice said before I felt my head being lifted just slightly and something soft being slid underneath

"we will take him to the hospital" a voice said before I heard footsteps next to me as something big was placed next to me making me open my eyes to blurryness "hey its okay kid we are just gonna move you onto this thingy (forgot what its called)" another said

"k" I mumbled as I they went to move me onto my back making me grunt at the wave of pain that appeared "sorry kid" they said as I blacked out waking up on and off as I was loaded into the ambulance

I woke slightly as they were putting things in me (after reread I realized how that sounded but to lazy to change) before having to cut my clothes off to see what damage I have "aw my shirt" I half mumbled "your sad about a shirt?" A voice asked

"yeah its my favorite.." I said trailing off as I blacked out again before waking up in a hospital room "hello?" I questioned "oh your awake good timing we are about to bring you down for surgery" a nurse? said as a few came in and started to move me down to the surgery rooms

"for wha?" I questioned "oh yea you been sleeping well basically you broke all the bones in your lower right leg and also shattered your collarbone" a nurse answered "oh" I said in shock at that before waiting to go back to sleep

I woke up again with my arm in a sling and my leg in a semi cast and moved slightly in discomfort as I felt something slightly cold being pressed in different spots on my leg

I looked around the room and saw may siting on the couch "may" I yawned making her look at me "petey your awake" she smiled "mhm but im hungry" I said as my stomach growled "ill be back then" she said before leaving the room

I looked at the table next to me and saw my room so I slowly reached out and grabbed out thankful that I didnt get hit with a wave of pain "food should be coming" may said "ok" I smiled turning on my phone

peter parker and his awesome family FIELD TRIP ONE SHOT (semi paused) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now