Chapter 24

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Celeste POV

I've been here for 2 weeks and I'm tired of just sitting around and waiting for everyone to come and check on me. I just sit in the living room and watch tv and if there isn't anything on I just look outside. i feel so useless and like dead weight, Nila and Kylie are always in the kitchen making something....or burning something. Ghost and Rick spend most of their time secluded and writing. this place has been very inspiring to them. I don't blame them it's beautiful here. i just wish i could enjoy it without feeling like a freeloading sack of broken bones. i have a check-up today and I'm dreading it cause of the constant poking and prodding they do but they want to check my leg to see if... if it's less broken. i can get around the house pretty fine but it's not like i like to snoop around and be nosey checking every room either. I like Nykos place so i don't want to disrespect him like that.

"hey its time to get up" Nykos soft but bassy voice said after knocking on my door.

i groaned knowing that he was here to collect me for the doc appointment.

"i don't feel so good maybe next week," i said rolling over and pulling the bracket all the way over my head.

i heard the door open and feet coming towards me.

"all the more reason you should go now." he spoke tugging the blanket.

"damn," i said knowing i had dug my own grave "i still don't want to go," i said in a softer voice.

i heard footsteps leave and then the blinds get yanked open.

"it sucks that you feel that way but you're going to be late if you don't get in that shower 5 minutes ago," he said as i heard him walk out of my room.

i rolled my eyes threw the blanket off me and began to get ready.


"hmm" i hear from the new doctor checking my leg.

i feel my ears perk in attention and study his face... he looks confused.

"i thought you'd be completely healed by now" he fessed up

i stared down at my thigh, blue and yellow around the edges of a heeling hole the size of a quarter. right next to it a line with freshly removed stitches and a draining tube hanging out of it.

"what does that mean," Nyko asked from behind me. his voice startled me and i jumped.

"it means we can remove the draining tube along with the stitches but we'll have to rewrap and recast your leg" he said he took a pair of small scissors and clipped the stitch holding the tube in and then i felt a sudden yank and i felt the tube slide out of me.

i shrieked the hissed at the pain

"a little warning next time," Nyko said coming into view and crossing his arms.

"well the tube is out now so there won't be a next time," he said.


"are you hungry you didn't have much breakfast," Nyko said from the driver's seat as he turned the car on.

"not really" i spoke quietly.

"Alright I'm in the mood for Panera does that work for you?" he asked

i don't even know what that is... I think I've heard of it but i still haven't gotten used to so much freedom.

"sure" was all i said. as we headed in the general direction of Nykos house.

all the doctor really told me was to stay off of it and basically to continue being dead weight and a useless sack of broken bones. Alright not in those words but you know what i mean.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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