Chapter 20

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Nila's POV

when we arrived at a clinic we entered through the back door. A women rushed us in where she had a hospital gurney ready and waiting.

"Shouldn't we take her to a real hospital?" I ask rushing in behind this man.

At this point they had led us to a room with windows a green bed and the lady who I noticed had maroon hair was accompanied by 1 more lady and 1 guy.

"I think we need to let Sam do her job cause she's very good at it" this man said and stuck his arm out keeping me from entering the room.

His jacket had a hole in it and I could see his blood covered skin. He winced and headed to a near by room.

"Come help me" he said in a tone that was very demanding. I faced the window one last time to see them removing Celeste pants with scissors.

I followed him to the next room it had a metal top island and the walls had kennels with cats on one side and dogs on the other. Some barked and some paid no mind to us.

The man had removed his jacket and was washing his arm.

"You know how to sow?" He asked as he opened a few drawers. he threw stuff on the table with his good arm and eventually sat down. he took his shirt off and motioned for me to grab a chair and join him.

"im not going to hurt you" he said in a deep sigh as he began cleaning his wound.

i sat down closer to him and examined everything he had for his arms. i picked up some gauzed and noticed how bad i was shaking. my arms trembled as i picked up the alcohol bottle and poured some into the gauze. i began cleaning dried blood off his arm and inched closer to the wound.

"its ok" he spoke "celeste is going to be fine" he said

I tried to stay silent but my emotions washed over me like a tsunami "she looked so lifeless and she bled so much... all over your car" i began to sob as i let tears spill.

Rickys POV

after trying to get rid of the trail of blood for like an hour i received a text from Nila with an address. I walked back home and got in my car but not before letting Ryan Balz and Chris know.

"I'm outside" I spoke through the phone with Ange and let him know what had happened. Everyone piled in the car and we drove off.

Chris' POV
The whole drive here all I could think about was is she was ok? Ricky said there was blood and that she was in and out of consciousness but I wanted to believe that he just didn't get a good look at her. I hope she's ok.

"This is an animal hospital," Balz stated in confusion

"Yeah this is where Nila says she is" Ricky confirms as we all made our way to the front door.

As we entered we found a clearly stressed Nila she had blood on her hands and chin. Ricky ran to her and I noticed a man sitting next to her a bandaged arm and blood all over his shirt... a lot of blood.

"Where is she?" Ange and Balz spoke worry laced in their words.

"She's in surgery" Nila said shacking. Ricky wrapped his arms around Nila and rubbed her back trying to calm her down. I didn't want to show any emotion but I felt the same way as her. i walked to the bathroom and got her some wet paper towels so she could clean the blood off.

"thank Chris" she spoke with tears coming down her face." I took a seat and just waited.

Nilas POV
We had been waiting for 4 hours now all I could think about were the most horrible scenarios and I wish I could just shut my mind off. I looked up and Kylie and Kelly entered with coffee and sandwiches for everyone we had waited so long we waited through our dinner but I don't think anyone was actually hungry.

"Thank" I said to Kylie as she handed me a cup and a sandwich. Ricky grabbed his items as well but I just leaned my head on his shoulder.

"no problem," she said squatting in front of me and placing both hands on either knee. "how is she? do we have an update yet?" she asked politely. tears formed in my eyes and my nose stung.

"no" I whispered in a silent battle with my tears.

she brought me in for a tight hug and said "don't worry she's the lost princess ... she'll come out of this stronger." she said rubbing my back in reassurance.

Ricky's POV

after about waiting for 6 hours a red-headed woman came out to speak with the guy that brought her here.

"Nyko?" she spoke. he stood and all of a sudden there was a tension in the room. no one had said a word to this guy except Nila for the past 6 hours.

"We were able to extract the bullet from her leg and thankfully her femur was intact meaning the bullet didn't touch it. Unfortunately, it severed a major artery causing her to lose a lot of blood but we were able to get her on a few bags before the operation went south"

"what does this mean for the baby," Nyko said " is the baby ok?" he spoke worriedly

"baby?!" slipped out of my mouth.

Celeste wasn't pregnant....right....right?!

Small chapter but an update is an update... hope you enjoy... whoever is reading ... I appreciate your immense patience you've had with me ... you are loved and you are appreciated.

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