Chapter 19

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Celeste POV

how does this end? I thought silently to my self as I followed Nyko into a back room of the store.

he looked around frantically. there were 3 hallways and one of them had a staircase.

"this way!" he said taking my arm and pushing me in front of him. I ran up all four flights of stairs and was at the very top of the stairs where there was a door and a floating latter coming down from the ceiling.

"leg," he said bending over and locking his fingers together.

"we're going up?" I asked as my voice cracked

"there's no other way." he confirmed and as always I do as I'm told I placed my foot in his hand and hopped as he lifted me. I grabbed onto the latter and began climbing as he followed. I pushed on the door but it wouldn't budge.

"Celeste? we have to go home you wouldn't want to be late for lunch now would do?" Mikes voiced boomed in the stairwell as he entered the bottom of the staircase. Lunch? We've been hear all night and morning?

Nyko put his finger against his lips signaling me to stay quiet then proceeded to scale the side of the latter.

"if you think they are going to take care of you you're wrong," Mike said as I heard his footsteps coming. "you're only a burden on them... they just feel sorry for you and they don't have the guts to say it to someone as hopeless as you," he said getting closer.

Nyko broke the lock on the small door and pushed it open.

"Celeste...they don't love you," Mike said as he came into view on the staircase. Nyko hauled ass through the roofs door but I couldn't move because the sight of Mike had me frozen in place.

"I'll take care of you," Mike said with a gun raised to my head "like I always have"

"give me your hand Celeste" I heard Nykos voice in my head.

"its always been just me and you celeste," Mike said as I watched his finger go to the trigger.

"Celeste" Nyko's voice whispered in my head

"I promise I love you" Mike spoke

Was all he was saying felt like it was... like I had walked into Chris's life and he was only keeping me around because he truly didn't have the courage to tell me otherwise. maybe he was pretending to love me but really didn't. well, he doesn't I know that because we haven't really talked. fuck he doesn't even know I'm carrying his child.

"Celeste give me your hand ... please" Nyko whispered but this time I heard him through my ears.

my tail wrapped tighter around my waist and my ears flattened on my head.

i wanted to form words. i wanted to say "well, you don't know what they feel!" but i couldn't get it out.

Nyko grabbed my arm and pulled me up as hard as he could. I heard a shot go off from Mike's gun and before I knew it I was running across the roof with a helicopter above us and Nyko basically dragging me. he set me down in the corner of the roof and that's when I felt it.

the warm blood running down my right leg. I groaned only then feeling the pain. I turned to Nyko who I had noticed had a hood on and he pulled mine over my head.

"it's going to be a long jump but I'll float before hitting the ground too hard," he said looking over the edge of the roof.

"you aren't serious!" I said as the helicopter passed above us. he ripped the bottom of his shirt and tied it up above the wound in my leg.

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