Chapter 8

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Chris' POV

i kissed her head as she purred. she was laying on top of me.

"please forgive me kitty" i softly asked

she shoved her face further into my neck... i guess she was embarrased.

"hmm?" i asked so she could reply.

"she doesn't want you, idiot" someone spoke a voice in the dark corner of the room...they soon made them selves visible. he was shorter than me ...i found my self standing and Celeste cowering behind me with her face in my back.

"what makes you think that?" i asked

"because shes incapable of loving some one like you !" he spat and i watched Celeste walk over to the man, a look of fear in her face.

"Celeste?" i asked

"shes with me now you can just leave bye bye now" he began walking... what seemed like a long endless road he began dragging her along.

"no wait Celeste.." i tried going after her and she kept looking back at me but i couldn't move.

my eyes opened and i was in my room... the wind was blowing outside and my room was kind of chilly....thanks giving is in a couple days and the guys and Nila had made plans to go buy the turkey and all that fun stuff today.

"it was only a dream..." i sighed.

last night I was a bit upset that Celeste had pushed me away the way she did.... She was fine with me a couple months ago... I bet that Mike guy put shit in her head about me.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day, threw on some black pants and a bleeding through shirt... I just drew my eyebrows and applied some black eyeshadow. I put on some chap stick and was done. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen for some cereal. I found Celeste in there trying to reach a bowl that was way to high for her. her tail was wrapped around her small waist and her ears were down and back.

"Can I get that for you?" I asked to see if she was still afraid of me.

She jumped a bit then turned to face me her ears standing.

"Please" she said quietly and lowering her head and ears again.

I got 2 bowl one for her and one for me.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"Celeste" I said as I grabbed her hand that was reaching for the bowl.

We shocked each other and pulled back. She gasped and pulled her hands closer to her.

"I'm so sorry" she said franticly her grey eyes dilating.

"No it's just a little bit of electricity it didn't hurt" I said reaching for her hand again. She let me. "I've been wanting to talk to you" I spoke quietly.

"Ok..." She said nervously

"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked "what did I do to you please tell me so I can fix it" I spoke

"I--I thought you were mad at me..." She said

"Why would I be mad?" I ask stepping closer to her.

"Be-because I safe worded you.... I said a horrible thing to you" she said sadly.

"I..." I didn't know what to say. I was upset but not mad. "Well for a while I was upset.... I wanted to protect you but... You needed to be protected from me ...." I said "but I'm not upset anymore" I added.

"Can you forgive me?" She asked looking at me with big hope full eyes and sad ears.

i pulled hee against me and hugged her tight, i kissed her head "of course" I said quietly.

Cobwebs Pt 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ