Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Vinny's POV

We made it to a friends house or rather his studio apartment.

I knocked a couple times making a beat on the door.

"VINNY!" Lance yelled as the door swung open.

I watched Celeste flinch out the corner of my eye then regain composure.

"Hey man" I said smiling and giving lance a hug. we greeted each other before pulling apart.

"Who's the pretty lady?" He asked winking in her direction.

"M-my girlfriend so back off" I said quickly. I knew how lance was. Little horny bitch would fuck anything that walks. Celeste was not for him and I would never put her in that vulnerable position of him trying to get with her.

"Relax man I was just asking" Lance laughed "come in side it freezing out there" he said leading us in.

Celeste' POV

HIS GIRLFRIEND? I mean he must have his reasons right? Right... Oh god. I hope.

He slid his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers. I flinched but then held his hand.

Only when we walked into the apartment did I notice how cold my face really was.

"So what bring you out all the way to New York man?" He asked

"Well... We just needed a little adventure" he said looking at me and smiling. I chuckled at him. "We were close by and I said 'hey babe you wanna visit one of my friends?'" Vinny said in a weird voice causing me to giggle. "And what is it that you said baby?" Vinny continued

"Um I said sure why not" I responded smiling at the guy.

"Awesome thats cool you guy thinking of staying a few days you can have the other bed." Lance spoke pointing down a hall. i began to notice how small the place was. we had walked into the living room and sat on a large L shaped sofa and it was so comfortable.

"Yeah ok thanks man" Vinny resounded. This guy was so nice. I need nice people around me.

For the rest of the day Vinny Lance and I spent it watching movies and eating pizza. New York pizza is really good but Pennsylvania pizza is the best.

It was getting dark out and I listen to the cold wind whistle by outside the window. Vinny wrapped his arm over my shoulder as he saw me shaking a little from the cold.

"Lance you got a blanket I'm kinda freezing" Vinny said

"Yeah I'll be back" he said getting up and walking off into the small hallway. He came back shortly after with a fluffy dark blue with white polka dot blanket. He handed it to Vinny and he spread it on top of both of us. I smiled at him and rested my head against his shoulder. I purred quietly as I began to get warm again. lance then waled up to the fire place i hadnt noticed on the other side of the room. he lit it up and the whole place began getting warmer.

Chris' POV

I looked at the messages I had sent Celeste and sighed... She hasn't received any of them. I locked my phone and set it under my pillow and rolled over in my bunk.

Why do I care anymore? What if she chose to throw her phone away... So that "Mike" wouldnt get to her.

But what if she did with this Mile guy? forget about her Chris she safe worded you... She doesn't want you. you cant be around her because she doesn't even feel safe with you

She didn't mean it though she didn't know! She wasn't in her right mind

Regardless Chris. That doesn't change the fact that she doesn't want you so stop worrying about her

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