Chapter 22

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Chris' POV

I haven't been able to bring my self to visit Celeste and every time I think about her I can't help but be reminded of Stephanie...I need to break it off with her. At one point in my life, she did make me happy but now I can't see myself with her. we've become very different and it's straining our relationship.

"Chris!" I heard from downstairs

"going" I yelled back.

I finished brushing my wet hair and headed down.

"you called?" I said facing Ricky who had a coat on and was looking through his phone.

"we're picking up Celeste soon and Stephanie is blocking the driveway can you ask her to move her car please," he said not looking up from his phone.

"oh yeah," I said and made my way to the kitchen

"babe Rick needs to go out can you move your car please?" I said standing next to her.

"uugh why didn't he say something earlier when I walked in," she said annoyed. she took her pan off the stove and placed it on the counter as she turned the stove off "I swear he does shit on purpose!" she accused "can you move it for me baby?" she said pouting and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"sure" i spoke giving her a light peck and grabbing the keys.

as i put on my jackegt i bumped into Nila "oh hey chris your coming along to pick Celeste up with us too... shes going to be so happy to see you" she smiled as she zipped her coat.

"uhh.. no actually.. I'm just moving Stephanies car" I said a bit awkwardly.

"oh" her smile dropped "well I'm sure she'll see you before she leaves" she said pulling the door open.

"leaves? wheres she going" i ask

"i dunno ..." she spoke pausing "Nyko suggested she disappear for a while because the police could be looking for her" she spoke softly

"Nyko...the guy from the vet hospital thing" i asked

"yeah" she nodded "i think it would do Celeste a lot of good for her to see you before she leaves" she stated

"how long is she going to be gone?" i ask hoping that shes not leaving forever. even though i cant be with her i love her i cant stop loving her. It's just a simple desire be be near and around her.

"that's to be determined" she half smiled walking out.

Celeste' POV

"that's the last one" said Sam as she pulled the last electrode off me.

"thank you" i said covering my chest again

"ill bring the shirt and sweater you were wearing back to you " she said tossing them and stepping out

"what about my pants?!" i shouted but she was already gone. "ugh" i said falling back into the bed as i didn't hear a response

Nyko chuckled and pulled a wheelchair close to my bed.

"they cut it off you the day we brought you in" he said picking me up and placing me in the chair.

"oh... right" i said holding on to him.

"Nila and Ricky are bringing her an outfit from home " Kylie said barging into the room.

"oh hey" i smiled and struck my arms out as she came in for a hug.

" i brought you come coffee and breakfast" she said letting go and hugging Nyko as well.

"yum what you bring" he asked. they get along so well they've practically become best friends. they have been here the most taking care of me and Nyko almost never leaves me alone.... well he does when he senses that i need some lady time with Kylie or Nila or when he's going to work.

Cobwebs Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now