Chapter 21

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Chris' pov

my heart dropped .... "baby?" I quietly whispered to myself after Ricky.

"oh my god," Kylie said her eyes darted directly at me. Rushing to the man's side "how's the baby" she demanded

"they made it they are doing well but we will be keeping a close eye on them for the next couple days" the doctor spoke.

"they?" the guy asked

"yes, two" she confirmed with a smile "two babies" the guy seemed relived as his shoulders fell and he sighed and nodded. Kylie gasped and her hands covered her mouth.

"that's good news," he said softly.

"listen we induced her into her hybrid body and it didn't look too good," the doc said "she has stayed in her kitten age when she should be a more developed cat. my fear is that when she gives birth she may change into her cat body and being a kitten her small body won't be able to handle the pregnancy" she spoke to which I got a sinking feeling too.

how come shes tiny? I thought all hybrids were just kittens or close to the kitten stage of a cat? whats wrong with her? how do we fix this? how do I help her? my mind was going a million miles a minute and I was getting overloaded with stress maybe I shouldn't be here. as I was stuck on my thought train with a one-way ticket to stress city Kylie broke out in a fit of sobs and Ghost rushed to her side

"Can I see her?" the man spoke the doc nodded her head with visible sympathy showing on her face.

"no please I need to see her I need to be with her" Kylie pleaded

"two at a time" the doc countered

Ghost let Kylie go and she sped walked behind the mystery man. I looked around the room and noticed for the first time the faces of shock around me. I didn't feel good I was getting a weird feeling at the pit of my stomach and I knew that what little I had eaten was plotting to escape me now.

Celeste' POV

"what are we going to do Celeste" someone sniffled...girl? "I'm so sorry this happened to you babygirl" definitely Kylie.

"it's not your fault" I croaked out. my head hurt and my body was numb.

"oh," Kylie cried out falling over my torso in a sob. I patted her head and her ears fell. in sadness?

"what happened? " I ask " they take my leg?" I half-joked but I was kinda worried.

Kylie looked up and she looked so relieved to see me. she sat up and grabbed my hand.

"no" she chuckled and wiped tears "no they didn't" she cried in relief as she examined me. soon I began to cry too.

she hugged me and got in bed with me. I cried in her chest and let it all out. everything that has happened to me in the past week feeling loathed by Chris, finding out I'm pregnant and getting shot by my crazy obsessed ex. all of it I just let out... and Kylie let me. she held me and I just cried on her.

when I felt good enough to pull away she wiped tears from my face and hers.

"I have good news," she said softly still wiping my face. "the babies are ok," she said smiling at me.

Babies? I wasn't even sure how to feel about being pregnant with one. maybe I misheard her.

"you mean baby," I said feeling my stomach "just one," I said looking at it.

"no ma'am," Kylie said joining her hand "two," she said "doc confirmed apparently Nyko had let her know before going to surgery on you"

"where is-" my eyes darted around the room and i found him standing by the door.

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