Chapter 9

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Celeste's POV

"Come on!" I playfully whined pulling Nila "please?" I dilated my eyes to look extra cute for her.

"Ugh!" She groaned "you know I can't say not to that face!" She said getting up from her spot next to Ricky on the couch. I wanted her to dance with me.

"Yes!" I proudly hopped up and down. She,Ricky and Devin had changed they minds last minute about going grocery shopping with the rest with the guys so they stayed behind to keep me company.

"Show me how it goes" she giggled and we got ready.

"Ready?" Moose asked

I chuckled at the face he made."yes" I smiled.

The music started and I began to lead Nila. Moving smoothly and quickly as the song progressed. Ricky Kylie and Moose cheered us on. Moose and Kylie came over shortly after the guys had left to the store.

When the song ended Nila and I where just fits of giggles and chuckles

"Yeah!" Moose said turning the stereo down. "That's how you do it!" He said running towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I giggled at him and hugged him back.

"Do you think you're ready for Sunday?" Moose asked looking down at me.

"Mmmm...." I playfully thought

"No don't give me that" he playfully squeezed me.

I laughed and nodded "I'm ready" I said

"Good" he spoke throwing me over his shoulder.

"Hey wait moose!" I squeal as he spun me around I held on to his hips.

"Aaaaddaaaaaaaamm!" I yell as he laughs. He finally put me down but I was to dizzy to stand so he pressed me against him again.

"Knock knock?" I herd come from the entrance of the basement. It was Wilda with Red and Black roses.

"Oh my god" I threw my hands up to my mouth after I had gained my balance back. They were all absolutely beautiful. "Wilda" I whine playfully and walk up to him.

"They--" I say sniffing them "are beautiful" I finish.

"For you madam" He bowed jokingly.

I giggle and take them from him as he hands them to me. I then hug him and he hugs me.

"I'm so glad you're ok" he whispers in my ear.

It twitches and I smile.

"I missed my dance crew a shit ton and I'm ready to dance again" I spoke smiling as we let each other go.

"Really?" He asks as he starts to break dance and I knew exactly what dance routine it was.

"Really." I confirm and join him.

"Ayye!" Moose joins us and soon Kylie. Then we all start doing our own funny funky dance. We all soon start laughing at each other and stop dancing.

"Listen Devin let me in and said I could stay down here as long as I want but I should get going" Wilda said "it's getting late but I'll see you soon right?" He asked after hugging me again.

"Yes I'll be at next practice" I say leading him to the basement door that leads to outside.

"It was fun seeing you" he said "stay out of trouble and be careful ok?" He asked hugging me again.

"Yes sir" I chuckled as he left. I walked back with my roses and all happily to where Kylie Nika Ricky and Moose was.

"I can go get you a vase if you want?" Kylie offered.

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