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Blood covered the cell's floor. The smell of iron filled Harry's nose. The taste of red revenge spilled into his nose. He stood in the middle of the cell naked, bodies surrounded him. Harry had won.

Earlier that morning a guard slid food to Harry through the door. Harry felt the cold trey hit his bare thigh. It was his breakfast that consented of toast, jam, eggs, and cigarettes. They recently started to give him a few cigarettes through the week. Usually a guard would lit it for him and they would have a smoke. The dark haired guard gave him a quick wink as he slide a butter knife along with the food. Harry hid the knife under his mattress.

At around noon, Ronald came in. Usually the man had a few guards with him along with a doctor or two, but today it was just him. Ronald, who rwas actually very quite short compared to Harry, had a cigarette in his hand and a cocky look on his face. The man went on about how well Harry was and how submissive he had been for the past couple of weeks. Harry did plan on killing Ronald, but Ronald let his big, cocky mouth decided his fate.

"Just wait until we find that omega of yours and your baby. Gonna kill the child and keep Louis in a cage. Only to come out to bre-" Ronald never got to finish that sentence before a butter knife got shoved into his right eye. With his teeth, Harry tore the man apart, limb by limb. The voice in the back of his head demanded him to leave, there were guards coming. The taste of revenge easily blocked out the voice of reason. It wasn't long before six guards surrounded Harry. The same guard from this morning gave him a quick wink before he started to shot. Within seconds, the five remaining guards were dead.

"You need to go now," The guard said. The helpful man had a scar coming down from his chin, and he was a few centimeters shorter than Harry. The red head started to strip on of the dead bodies,"you need to leave now, but don't go to far," he looked around as he shoved the clothes into Harry's chest,"meet me at the gas station by the motel at midnight, I know where you mate is."


Abraham was now 2 weeks old. The baby was large for his age, even for a full wolf. Louis laid on his bed as the pup fed from him. Elizabeth was sitting on the bed along side him.

"We have an insider now," she coughed up after many minutes of silence,"Alpha Harry is not dead. He might be close to death, and feel dead mentally but Robin has confirmed that he is still alive."

Louis ears perk up. He held back the tears,"how can you be so sure? How can you trust this insider," he looked back down at baby Abraham.

"Robin is Marcus' nephew. Robin isn't a wolf, but he would do anything for his uncle. He has confirmed to me and Marcus many times about the state of Harry, Harry is alive."


Harry stood under the roof of the pumps with a cigarette in his mouth. He was still wearing the guard uniform that was very much soaked. The rain was pouring down almost like God was crying. God was a twisted man, that was the conclusion Harry came up with. He was crushing because he was happy Harry escaped. He was crying because Harry got out and escaped his punishment. Harry knew he wasn't a good person, but the torture the big man put him through was too much. Harry would never be the same, and he blames God.

Harry's thoughts were interrupted by the red head from early calling his name silently. The red head was wearing a black sweatshirt and black corduroy pants. He had a manila folder tucked under his right arm.

"Harry," the red head said once more,"you don't know who I am," there was a brief pause,"oh, well my name is Robin by the way," he said quickly followed by an awkward laugh,"anyway in this folder, you'll see the exact location of your soulmate along with photos of where you'll be staying..." another pause. Robin opened the folder and pulled out a tiny picture that was meant to go in a wallet,"your son," he showed Harry a photo of the baby from his first day alive on this earth,"His name is Abraham, he was born September 8th."

Harry studied the tint photo. The baby was wrapped tightly in a baby blanket. Abraham was resting piece fully in a homemade nest. By  the looks of it the clothes were Harry's. He kissed the photo,"I love you Abraham..."

Robin let this go on for a few more seconds before he cut in,"Hate to break this up, but you're on s tight schedule with time. In about an hour the military will be on the look out for you. In this folder there is 200£ in there along with a fake ID. You name until you get to the pack is Erin James Cook. You were born October 9th, 1962 and you're originally from York," Robin explained. He gave Harry the folder. That was soon followed by an outfit that consented of a black knit sweater, black bell bottoms, red boots, a black baseball hat, and sunglasses,"that's all my brothers clothes i could  find."

With one last good luck, Robin left Harry alone.

Im back and with a new mentally heath disorder. Guess who's bipolar???

Anyway question of the chapter is

How's online school treating ya?

I don't have the attention span for it...

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