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Louis was walking down the hallway of the school. He had a check out note in his hand. He was on his way to the doctors appointment. He would know the gender to his child in a little less than two hours. Harry was held up at his second job so he didn't even go to school today.

Louis was visibly pregnant. He wore a loss pink button up to try and cover his bump. He was also wearing his only pair of maternity jeans. Louis hated how he couldn't dress as cute as he usually did. He hated how much his body change.

Louis was about to walk into the front office till a hand grabbed his shoulder,"skipping class, Tomlinson?" A male, alpha voice asked from behind him. Louis rolled his eyes.

He turned around and saw Mr.smith or Ronald. Gemma and Ronald random broke up a couple weeks ago so this was the first time Louis seen him in ages.

"I'm going to a doctors appointment," Louis showed the teacher the pink slip. It had the front desk lady's signature on it,"to check on my baby," Louis motioned to his bump. Ronald's eyes trailed down to Louis' bump. Ronald knew that Louis was pregnant the minute he walked past him a few minutes ago, but he wanted to see it with his own eyes. Louis reeked of pregnancy and his alpha.

"I see," He hummed. He looked back at Louis' beautiful eyes,"Styles is going to he a terrible father," Ronald said. He crossed his arms. Louis didn't want to hear this. He turned back around and walked into the office.

Within minutes he was walking out of the school. Ronald watched Louis' ass as he  walked out. Louis waited outside the school for Harry to come and pick him up. A small white truck pulled to where Louis was. Harry was right on time. Louis got in and didn't say anything to Harry. He rubbed his bump.

Harry was smoking his third cigarette of today. He smiled at Louis before driving off. Harry was wearing a red flannel. The first button was undone. He was also wear some loose fitting jeans.

"How was the drugstore?" Louis asked. Harry shrugged. He hated his job at the drugstore. After a couple minutes pf driving they finally made it to the doctors office.

Louis was laying on the bed as the doctor used the wand to look inside Louis' uterus. The baby was a lot bigger than it was supposed to be. The very blurry image that showed up on screen amazed Louis.

"Do you guys want to know the gender?" The doctor asked. The soon to be parents nodded their heads. The doctor moved the wanted so he could see between the fetus' legs. He pointed to the screen,"see that?" He asked. He was pointing to a small what looked like a lump,"That's a penis, you're having a boy."

Harry smiled widely,"FUCK yes!" He shouted. Harry always wanted a boy. He kissed Louis on the cheek.

Louis just laid there with a fond smile. Louis really didn't care what the babies gender was. He was going to love it no matter what.


Short chapter.

In other news ela and French 2 are kicking my butt.

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