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(Keep in mind they're soulmates so they will move a little fast)

Harry bit his lip as he checked Louis out. Louis was talking to Niall about Niall's boyfriend ignoring him. Harry wasn't paying attention. He was too busy staring at Louis' bum. His bell bottoms cupped it perfectly. Niall looked over Louis' shoulder and sighed.

"Your boyfriend is definitely not ignoring you," Niall groaned. Louis looked behind him about giggled.

"Harry, could you not look at my bum in public ?" Louis asked. Harry looked away from Louis' bum to Louis' eyes.

"As you wish," Harry nodded his head,"maybe I can look at tonight," Harry winked. Louis rolled his eyes.

"No you're not," Louis told Harry,"you have to stay at your house tonight."

"With you," Harry hummed. Louis shook his head,"but why," Harry whined,"I just wanna be with my soulmate."

"Because Harry, I promised I would hang out with Niall," Louis explained. Harry huffed.

"Is he spending the night at yours ?" Harry asked. Louis nodded his head softly. Harry smiled.

"How about I invite Charles over to my house so I can also have someone to hang out with," Harry told Louis. Louis nodded his head.

"Oh Harry, I forgot to get my um," Louis looked at Niall and whispered into Harry's ear,"nice panties in your room," Louis' nice panties were just basic cotton panties with lace trim. Louis showered at Harry's house and left his panties there.

"I'll give them to you after school," Harry looked down at the watch on his wrist,"well baby I gotta go, bye," Harry kissed Louis on the cheek before walking away.

"Are you and Harry already fucking ?" Niall asked. Louis gasped and shook his head.

"The most Harry's had inside me is his index finger, and that was only a one time," Louis explained,"I don't even want him to fuck me till he gets tested."

Niall nodded his head choosing not to say anything. Louis sighed as he looked down the hallway. His eyes fell on Harry, but Harry was talking to a girl, Tammy to be exact. She was known to put out easily. Harry had slept with her a couple times. She was extremely pretty, way prettier that Louis could ever be. She was small, barely even 5'2", while Louis was almost 5'4". She had a thin waist with a flat stomach, Louis has a curvy waist and small little pudge. She had long blonde hair while Louis had brown. Harry's slept with her multiple times, and never had made love to Louis. The only thing they had similar was their icy blue eyes. They were complete opposite.

"Why would he be talking to her ?" Louis asked with a quiet voice. Niall looked at the two and noticed Harry laughing. Niall sighed and shook his head.

"Maybe a class project ?" He suggested, he knew that wasn't likely

"They don't have any class together," Louis wiped the tears that were forming in his eyes,"he's probably talking about how I won't put out, and he just wants to fuck someone," Niall sighed and took Louis into his arms.

"Wanna go up a see what he's talking about," Niall asked as he rubbed down Louis' back.
Louis nodded his head softly. Niall let go of Louis and took his hand. They walked behind Harry and started listening to the conversation.

"So you dad will he able to take me Monday ?" Harry asked Tammy. Tammy nodded her head.

"Yep !" She said in her high pitched.

"Okay good," Harry sighed. Harry was about to say something when he sniffed the air. He smelt his omega, but he was sad. Harry turned around and saw his teary eyed soulmates. Harry cooed as he took Louis into his arms,"what's wrong ?" Harry asked

"You're tired of waiting for me to put out," he whispered into Harry's chest. Harry shook his head.

"No baby, her dad does test for any kind of sexual transmitted diseases," Harry kissed him on the head,"I asked if her dad could test and she said he could. I'm getting tested Monday," Louis sniffed and rubbed his nose on Harry's green sweater. Harry fixed Louis blue shirt by tucking it back into his pants,"the only person I ever want to sleep with is you, I can promise."


Bell Bottoms// Larry Mpreg// AOBKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat