Chapter 6. Legilimency

Start from the beginning

As the night grew, everyone disappeared to their rooms.

Being the last person awake I couldn't help but overhear a conversation.

"It's Dumbledore." The voice was quiet but loud enough to recognize. It was Sirius. "He wants Harry to have Occlumency Lessons."

Occlumency? They've never been brought up in school, I had barely any idea on what it meant.

Hesitantly, I made my way to my room. I scavenged the book shelves for any information but failed.

I sat in the darkness, fearing what has to come. The house was silent, and my thoughts grew louder. I need to talk to someone, anyone.

Carefully I opened my door, only to see another just across the hall.

Temptation overwhelmed me and I had to see if she was awake.

I knocked on the door gently. When there was no reply I almost felt relieved. Disappointing, but glad I could turn around.

"Harry?" A soft voice peered from the door, "is everything all right?" She wore her pajamas, clutching a blanket around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry to wake you, it was nothing really." I spoke frantically.

"Harry, it's alright, come in." She moves out from the doorway, making room for me to enter. After closing the door, she took a seat on the bed. "Sit down Harry, what's going on?" She asked gently.

"I overheard Sirius talking about something I needed to learn." I took a seat in the chair beside the bed, "I know you've been taught more than I have. I wondered if you could help me."

"Of course Harry, what is it?" She questioned.

"Occlumency Lessons."

Her face shifted, becoming more serious. Two worlds I barely had knowledge of brought her out of a dozed state in nearly seconds.

"Occlumency Lessons are meant to close the mind. To prevent it from Legilimency." She spoke concerned, "it's to prevent others from getting in your head. Seeing your every thought and memory. Both require incredible skill."

"That feels more serious than I thought. I'm just having bad dreams. Why would I need Occlumency Lessons?"

"Harry, remember when I asked if you and him could be connected? It's possible this is a factor. He can be able to read your thoughts. He is a powerful wizard, and there is no doubt that he would use such a strong technique."

"Bloody hell, how am I supposed to prevent that?" I began pacing the room.

"It's possible Snape would teach you. It's been said he'd mastered that area. I don't know another who could teach it as well. Dumbledore maybe, but I'm sure he's busy,"

"Snape? That's torture Neveah." A good mood couldn't last me a full twenty-four hours. Breathing was heavy again, thoughts incomprehensible.

"Well- Harry..." she said quietly, "my grandparents, they're not good people. That being said, I was taught things for the wrong purpose. I have learned about Legilimency and Occlumency."

"You have?" I stopped my pacing to listen. "Do you think you can teach me?"

"I am nowhere near a professional Harry." She was hesitant. I knew she hated the idea but I had to try. "I don't see the rush either, if you'll be learning it eventually."

"Anything will be helpful Neveah, please. It'll prepare me for Snape." I begged. "I want- I need to be prepared. To save us, to save my family."

She took out her wand from under her pillow.

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