Part 2

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Everyone was buckled in and secured in their car seats to go home

"Nordonia how is everyone doing back there?" Fawn asks her

"Good mommy and I am watching Ravenna too cause she wants to get out of her car seat" Nordonia says as she looks at the other babies

"Oh lord" Fawn says as she looked back at Ravenna who was being the rebel of the bunch right now

George puts on something, and Ravenna watches it

"Thanks for saving the day back there" Fawn says as she starts driving home

"No swear she going to need to learn to stay in her seat right now and she can't get out to explore the van or any place especially right now" George says as he messes with the heating and a/c in the van

"Yeah, I'm glad Nordonia only wanted to get out of her bike seat when she was Ravenna's age" Fawn says as she was driving home to get the babies settled in for their first night home from the hospital

The babies went to sleep as soon as they hit the highway

"Mommy the babies are sleeping" Nordonia says as she was checking on the babies right now

"Thank you, princess get, back in your seat or sit on the floor between the babies for me" Fawn asks her

Nordonia sat on her knees

"Nordonia criss cross applesauce" George says to her

Nordonia listened to him and sat on her bottom

"Thank you, sweetie," Fawn says to her as she was still driving back to the house

"I say we stop off in Canton for lunch my treat" George says cause it was going to be lunch time by the time they got there

"Are you sure?" Fawn asks him cause the babies were just released and she didn't want to risk anything with the babies

"We can get takeout then eat it at home like in the park that way the girls can burn off some energy cause they are really hyper" George says as he was watching Ravenna right now cause she was not obeying grand pappy right now since mommy was driving

"Okay where are you thinking?" Fawn asks him

"Olive Garden for us" George says as Fawn was going to pull over cause she was going to nurse Ravenna cause she was still causing trouble and Nordonia was off her bottom

Fawn was going to hold Ravenna in the other seat and Nordonia went back to her seat

"Ravenna what is your trouble today sweetheart?" Fawn asks her cause she was fussy as could be right now

George put on the show she was watching before and that calmed her down, but it wasn't enough to calm her, she was agitated

"I think a trip to the emergency room is in order or if you can swing back and we go to back to Akron Children's" Fawn says cause she hated seeing Ravenna like this

George was going to go to Akron Children's to see what was going on with Ravenna

(Akron's Children's)

Fawn got out with Ravenna and George was going to take the others home and get the babies settled cause they needed to get used to their new environment

"Nordonia, I need you to stay in your seat and if you stay in your seat the whole way, we can have lunch, just the two of us," George tells her cause he was going to have Kevin go up and be with Fawn cause Ravenna was going to have to be by herself

Nordonia was excited for that cause she loved just having one on one time with her grandfather or her parents, and she might go on the show that her grandfather announces for, and model cause she wanted to get into the beauty world cause she wanted some money for herself and buy what she wanted 

"Nordonia, I think you will need one on one time with me, and I will bring Olympic as well" he tells her as he headed home

Nordonia was excited for that

"I'll talk to mommy and daddy and maybe after the holidays you can come home with me, and do you think Olympic might want to come?" he asked her as he headed home

"Maybe you have to ask her" Nordonia says as she was checking on the babies and one of them started to stir

"Is one of the babies waking up?" he asks her

"Yes grandpappy" Nordonia says to him

"Hopefully, they can hang on till the airport and I can feed them then or if it's just one you can try Nordonia" he says to her

Nordonia's eye lit right up cause she always wanted to feed her siblings

"Hang on let me warm up some milk mommy kept a warm in her in case" he says as he plugs it in the cigarette lighter

Once the milk was warm Nordonia sat in one of the seats and fed Christopher cause he was the one that woke up

"Here we go baby brother" she says as she was giving her brother the milk

"I hope the others don't wake up" George says as she was driving still


George pulled into the airport, and he parked next to a trashcan which was perfect he had to do some diaper changes cause the babies were getting fed by Nordonia and she was burping them as well and he was going to do the other half

"I swear Nordonia you are my favorite cause of your personality" he says as he was looking at her

Nordonia smiles at him cause she was happy to be her grandpappy's favorite

The babies were fed and changed in no time and once they were all changed, they were going to be up for a bit

"I say we have that lunch date" he says as he gets back in the driver's seat to go get lunch for Nordonia cause she was quite a big help

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas

Happy New Year

Part 3 is up

We will continue in time I hope with Part 4 in time

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