Part 2

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"Well girls here she is," he says as he came out with Katie in his arms cause the nurse wrapped her back up so if the others wanted to hold her they wanted and Kevin knew that the girls would want to hold their new sister

Nordonia, Olympic, Sophia, and Ravenna went to daddy

"She is little" Nordonia says when she saw her baby sister

"Yes princess she is," he tells her

"She okay?" Olympic asks him

"Right now she is, and if you girls wanna hold her it is best you girls do it now cause you won't be able to do it later cause she has to go to Akron to be with the others," he tells them

Nordonia was going to let Sophia go first if she wanted

"No thank you," Sophia says to Kevin

"Olympic you want practice cause Jackson is getting close to being held," Kevin asks her

Olympic cried when she heard that, and she was excited to hold her little brother later on

"Support her head now," Kevin tells her

Olympic was gentle as she was holding the baby in her arms

"Katie that is Olympic your big sister, and Sophia is your other big sister," Kevin tells her

Katie yawns a little bit since she was tired from coming into the world

"Can I hold her please daddy?" Nordonia asks him

"Maybe later sweetie Katie has to eat first then she goes to Akron," he says as he takes Katie back to Fawn for the time being

Nordonia follows behind cause she wanted to hold her new sister so much right now

"Nordonia baby sister has to eat, and maybe you can hold her, and if you want you can ride with her to Akron cause I am sure she would love to have you ride with her cause mommy has to go up again to make sure she is doing okay and everything else right now" he tells the little girl

Nordonia was okay with that and she could not wait to go up with her baby sister if she could


Soon Akron Children's came down to get little Katie and take her up and Nordonia was going to ride with her up and she was really excited to go up with her and maybe see the others cause he had a story to tell them, and Katie was going to get a little preview of the story as she is heading up to be there cause she needed to be properly checked out and everything else as well and make sure she had enough oxygen going to her brain at all times

"Nordonia be good okay baby," Fawn tells her as Nordonia was leaving with Katie to go to Akron and be with her 

"Yes mommy," Nordonia says as she was leaving with Katie to go up to Akron

Nordonia was taking deep breaths as she was going with her sister up to Akron cause she has come a long way since that incident 

(Fawn's room)

"How are you doing?" George says as he came into the room to see Fawn after he saw Katie for a little bit before she had to go to Akron to be with her siblings 

"Glad the pregnancy is over and I can fully recover, so I can finish this fight with Lucy," Fawn says as she was going to be going up to be with Katie and the rest of the babies as well

"You should rest I will see you in Akron I am going to take the others home so you can head on up," he says as he kisses her before he left with the others 

"I will dad and thanks for coming," she says as she was looking at him 

"Welcome see you in a few hours," he says as he tucks her in for some sleep cause they ain't taking Fawn up until the next day 

George went down to see Nordonia and Katie before they go to Akron 


"Pepe" Nordonia says when she saw George come towards her and she was always happy to see her grandpa that she had missed so much and was glad he was there to be with her for the moment  

"Hey big girl," he says as he picks her up and holds her for the time being cause he loved seeing her when he could cause she was special and will always be special in his eyes  

Nordonia gave him a big hug cause she was glad to see him again cause she had missed him so much lately and seeing him makes everything better 

"You get to go up with sissy?" he asks her

Nordonia nods

"Katie is glad to have a sister like you," he tells her cause he loved hanging out with her cause she was the oldest of all of them, and the one that went through a lot in her little life  

Nordonia smiles 

"I will see you tonight I am coming up to see all of the quads," he tells her cause he wanted to meet all of them and get some pictures of all of them together for Fawn before she came up to be with the babies 

"Okay bye Pepe," Nordonia says as she was getting in the ambulance to be with her as she was going to go to Akron with Katie

George helped Nordonia into the ambulance and kissed her good-bye one last time before he left 

"Okay sissy it is just the two of us now," Nordonia says as she was looking at her sister as they were going to be heading to Akron to be with the others

George waves bye to her as she was leaving to go to Akron 

"Okay sissy it is just the two of us now," Nordonia says as she was talking to Katie who was looking at her as they were heading to Akron

Nordonia looked at what her sister was hooked up to as they were heading to Akron and she could not believe how many wires she needed to be hooked up to just to survive until she was big enough to go at it alone, and she was a little scared to see her siblings like that, but she knew they had to get bigger somehow cause they were getting too big inside of mommy right now 

"Wanna watch something?" the paramedic asks Nordonia 

Nordonia nods cause she was excited to watch something with her new baby sister that she loved a lot right now and she could not wait to see the others when she got to Akron with Katie 

Katie loved being with Nordonia and Nordonia loved being with her 

"She's squeezing my finger," Nordonia says when she sees her sister squeeze her finger 


"Fawn you ready?" Kevin asks her cause they were going to take Fawn up a day early 

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess," she says as she was going out of the room to go up to Akron to be with the others

Kevin was going up with Fawn and they were thinking about the next half of the fight cause Fawn had to finish it     

Part 3 will follow this week cause this book did not get judge fully yet  

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